Training for Deepsea and Inland Shipping

Mariner Skills’ Onboard and Corporate Training for the Maritime Industry

Mariner Skills is pleased to announce a recently expanded course list for onboard and corporate training, featuring shorter courses to deliver effective training to seafarers.  Mariner Skills’ training courses are accessible online and off-line, are self-paced and accessible anytime, anywhere. Our eLearning lessons are delivered though an e-Book that includes training videos with animation and self-assessments, and the final course completion assessments.

Mariner Skills’ portfolio of specialized modular courses address the onboard training needs of shipping companies.  We offer courses aligned to organizational Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) requirements and address the Competency/Training Matrix of ships and shipping companies.

Courses are delivered onboard over a variety of methods best suited to your organizational IT and cyber security policies.  Our offerings include a range of modules for office-based managers and superintendents.  Ship staff can continue to access the courses whilst at home or anywhere else.  Our unique all-inclusive licensing model allows companies to pick from our extensive course offerings without having to compromise quality and convenience over cost considerations.

Download our course catalog here

Take a deeper dive into Mariner Skills’ corporate training eLearning portfolio that is organized by functional areas.

Deck Courses

Course # Course Name
MSTS-201 Introduction to Bridge Equipment

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Bridge Resources available to the navigator and its application begins at the Initial passage planning stage which includes preparation of berth-to-berth navigation plans. Through this e-learning course trainees will become proficient in the knowledge and understanding of various bridge equipment that helps in the navigation of vessel and become capable of following a planned passage for the vessel.

Course Topics:
  1. Compass - Magnetic and Gyro
  2. Radar
  3. ARPA
  4. Echo Sounder
  5. Basic principles of GPS system
  6. Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
  7. The Automatic Pilot
  8. Steering control system
MSTS-202 Navigational Aids and Safe Navigation

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course focuses on important topics associated with using bridge equipment for safe navigation. By providing vital information to the crew, bridge equipment helps in ensuring safe navigation. In order to maintain safety at sea, it is essential to know how to utilize this equipment effectively.

Course Topics:
  1. Familiarisation with bridge equipment
  2. Use of electronic navigation aids
  3. Gyro/compass failure
  4. Steering failure
  5. Crash stop and Rudder cycling
  6. Basic ship handling manoeuvres with tugs
  7. Systematic Approach to COLREG
  8. Coastal and restricted waters
  9. Bad weather and Traffic Management
  10. Restricted Visibility
  11. Man overboard procedures
  12. Squat
  13. Shallow water
  14. Berthing / un-berthing Manoeuvres-Tide or Current
  15. Navigation with Pilot on Board
  16. Calling the Master
  17. Performing the Officer’s Duties with a Multilingual Crew
MSTS-203 Foundations of Bridge Watchkeeping

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

The watchkeeping officer must be vigilant and responsive to changing conditions. Effective watchkeeping requires proper training, communication, and teamwork. This course focuses on the basics of Bridge watchkeeping that involves monitoring the ship's navigation, watchkeeping arrangements and communication.

Course Topics:
  1. Principles Observed in Keeping Safe Navigational Watch
  2. Watch-Keeping Arrangements, Procedures and Composition
  3. Factors deciding the Composition of a Bridge Watch
  4. Organizing Watchkeeping on the Bridge
  5. Officer of the Watch (OOW), Helmsman and Lookout
  6. Efficiency of the watch
  7. Communication - Master, Pilot and Chief Engineer
  8. Rest Hours for Watchkeepers
  9. Bridge Procedures Guide
MSTS-204 Procedures for Effective Bridge Watchkeeping

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

In this course, we discuss about the effective watchkeeping procedures, such as, maintaining a proper lookout, monitoring navigation systems, compliance with COLREG and SOLAS, recordkeeping and effective communication. Through this e-learning course trainees will become proficient in the knowledge and understanding of safe watchkeeping procedures and practices, expected of an officer on the navigation bridge as the officer-in-charge of the watch.

Course Topics:
  1. Performing the Navigation watch
  2. Basic obligations of the OOW for the bridge watch
  3. Compliance with COLREG 1972
  4. Use of electronic navigational aids
  5. Regular checks
  6. Knowledge of Ships Handling Characteristics and Bridge Equipment
  7. Procedures for Handing Over and Taking Over Watches
  8. Calling the Master
  9. Recordkeeping
  10. Heavy Weather
  11. Action on Receiving Storm Warning
  12. Keeping an Effective Anchor and Port Watch
  13. When Vessel is at Anchor
  14. Watchkeeping in Port
MSTS-205 Guidelines on Ice Characteristics for the Navigator

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This Course focus on the ice characteristics and areas where different types of ice can be expected in the areas of ship operations. It describes important ice terms, process of ice formation, types, growth, ageing and stages of melt and implications of spray-icing. Further, the course explains about the danger of icing up for marine operations, and describes ice regimes in different regions including the differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic.

Course Topics:
  1. Ice physics
  2. Ice terms
  3. Ice formation process, types, growth, ageing and stages of melt
  4. Ice concentrations
  5. Ice pressure and distribution
  6. Friction from snow covered ice
  7. Ice regimes in different regions
  8. Significant differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic
  9. Use of ice imagery for reconnaissance
  10. Ice blink and water sky
  11. Movement of icebergs and pack ice
  12. Tides and currents in ice
  13. Effects of wind and current on ice
  14. Danger of icing up
  15. Precautions to avoid icing up
  16. Options during icing up
  17. Implications of spray-icing
MSTS-206 Vessel Performance in Ice

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This Course helps in understanding the vessel’s performance in ice and low air temperature by examining the vessel’s characteristics, hull design and various engineering requirements for operating in ice. It highlights the limitations of ice-class vessels and describes the process of winterization and preparation of vessel while accepting the equipment and machinery limitation under ice conditions.

Course Topics:
  1. Vessel Characteristics
  2. Vessel hull designs
  3. Engineering requirements for operating in ice
  4. Ice strengthening requirements
  5. Limitations of ice-classes
  6. Arctic sea routes and winterisation of vessels
  7. Low-temperature system performance
  8. Equipment and machinery limitation in ice condition
  9. Monitoring of ice pressure on hull
  10. Insulation of sea suction, water intake, superstructure
MSTS-207 Crew Preparation for Ice Navigation

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This Course describes the type of mandatory certification and training required under the Polar Code for the ship's crew. It highlights the required crew preparation, search and rescue readiness, shipboard contingency planning and safe working procedures. The effect of crew exposure to low temperatures, first aid methods, crew fatigue and the possibility of hull and equipment damage and various icing effects on vessel while operating under polar conditions are also explained.

Course Topics:
  1. Search and rescue readiness and responsibility
  2. Contingency planning
  3. Safe working procedures
  4. Exposure to low temperatures
  5. Medical first aid
  6. Use of personal survival equipment
  7. Hull and equipment damages
  8. Icing effects on stability and trim
  9. Factors of accretion
  10. Fatigue problems
MSTS-209 Search and Rescue

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Many States have accepted the obligation to provide aeronautical and maritime SAR coordination and services on a 24-hour basis for their territories, territorial seas, and where appropriate, the high seas. This Course provides the learner with a knowledge of Coordinating search and rescue operations, Surface rescue equipment, IAMSAR procedures, use of communications and search patterns in SAR, MRCC, RCC, OSC, Reporting, Reception and interrogation of Survivors and Lookout procedures.

Course Topics:
  1. Search and Rescue concept and system
  4. IAMSAR Vol 3
  6. Search Patterns
  7. RCC
  8. OSC
  9. Role and duties of OSC, SMC and SC
  10. Operational Procedures
  11. Assisting a Ship or Aircaft in distress
  12. Lookout Procedures
  13. Surface Rescue Equipment and methods
  14. Reporting
  15. SITREP Information
  16. Reception and interrogation of survivors
MSTS-210 Art of Ship Handling

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course is an overview of basic ship handling and maneuvering from the wheelhouse and other actions on deck. There are many external as well as internal conditions that affect vessel response to manoeuvres undertaken from the wheelhouse. When the vessel response is not what is expected, the experienced navigator will know instantly the possible reasons and undertake emergency steps in righting the condition of the ship and cargo toward safety.

Course Topics:
  1. Maneuvering data of Ship
  2. Controllable, partly controllable and uncontrollable factors
  3. Turning the Ship
  4. Engines and propellers
  5. Stopping manoeuvres
  6. Manoeuvres for the Rescue of a Man Overboard
  7. Squat, Shallow Water and Similar Effects
  8. Transverse Thrust effects
  9. Interaction Effects
  10. Rigging of Pilot Ladder/Combination Ladder
  11. Procedures for Anchoring and Mooring
  12. Safety maneuver
  13. Making Fast Tugs and using Fenders during Berthing
MSTS-212 Ship Handling in Adverse conditions

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The course covers a broad spectrum of advanced knowledge involving ship handling under challenging conditions. The course includes a wide variety of thrusters for ship propulsion and steering and provides a basis of calculating ship resistance. By learning this Course, you will get a thorough understanding of vessel behavior due to internal and external forces, as well as theories involving power and propulsion, including manoeuvres using the wheelhouse equipment, utilizing tug services, vessel anchoring and mooring practices and storm navigation procedures.

Course Topics:
  1. Dynamic forces
  2. Propeller effects
  3. Thrusters, Twin Screw and Controllable Pitch Propellers
  4. Ducted Propeller, Voith Schneider Propeller, and Azimuth Propulsion
  5. Engine Powers and Losses in Transmission
  6. Rudders, Stresses on Rudders and Heel while turning
  7. Various Types of Hull Resistances
  8. Froude's Law of Comparison
  9. Bank and Narrow channel effects and ship Interactions
  10. Handling of Ships in Heavy Weather
  11. Storm navigation
  12. Controlled turns and Parallel Index Techniques
  13. Anchoring procedures, Mooring Manoeuvres
  14. Maneuvering approach for Pilot
  15. Ship and tug interactions
  16. Bollard Pull and its Calculations
  17. Manoeuvring with Tugs
  18. Emergency towing
  19. Ship handling in ice
  20. Berthing and Unberthing
  21. Sea Trials and Interpretation of Data Recorded
MSTS-213 IMO Standard Marine Communication

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This Course emphasizes the importance of IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) and use of appropriate English language for communication with other ships and onboard internal communication. You will also learn about the rules of communication prescribed by SMCP for electronic, written and verbal communication, standard phrases for external communication, communication protocols in emergencies, SMCP messaging of meteorological information and so on.

Course Topics:
  1. Using and understanding the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP)
  2. IMO English Language Requirement
  3. SMCP Content
  4. Rules for Communication
  5. External Standard phrases
  6. Emergency Communications
  7. Preparing Charts and Other Nautical Publications
  8. Understanding Meteorological Information and Messages Concerning Ships Safety and Operation
  9. Communicating with Other Ships, Coast Stations and VTS Centres
  10. Performing the Officer’s Duties also with a Multilingual Crew
  11. Transmit and Receive Information by Visual Signalling
  12. Ship Reporting System
MSTS-218 Collision Regulations

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

After completing this course, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of international and inland regulations for vessel lights and sound signals. You will also be familiar with the Rules of the Road, including general rules, steering and sailing rules, lights and shapes, sound and light signals, exemption rules, verification of compliance, and COLREG Annexes I to V. Finally, you will gain practical knowledge of applying the COLREGS by using a systematic approach, understanding vessel lights and signals, and recognizing vessel day shapes and sound signals.

Course Topics:
  1. International and Inland regulations for vessels lights and sound signals
  2. Rules of the Road Part A - General
  3. Rules of the Road Part B - Steering and Sailing rules
  4. Rule of the Road - Part C - Lights and Shapes
  5. Rules of the Road Part D - Sound and Light Signals
  6. Rules of the Road Part E - Exemption
  7. Rules of the Road Part F - Verification of compliance with the provisions of the Convention
  8. COLREG Annexes - I to V
  9. Practical Application of the COLREGS
  10. Systematic Approach
  11. Vessel lights signals
  12. Vessel day shapes and sound signals

Course # Course Name
MSTS-251 Basic Principles of Marine Propulsion Engines

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

This Course deals with marine machinery design considerations and industry analysis for main propulsion. You can also learn about the factors influencing engine selection, explore advancements in design and materials, differentiate between diesel engine types, gain insights into the market landscape, and identify emerging trends in marine propulsion.

Course Topics:
  1. Marine Propulsion Machinery
  2. Design Features and Operating Mechanisms of MDE
  3. Basics of Diesel Engines
  4. Cycle, Timing Diagrams
  5. Basic UMS Operation of ME
  6. Constructional features of Two stroke and Four stroke DE
  7. Steam Propulsion (conventional) - Steam Turbine
  8. Marine Gas Turbines
  9. Gas Turbine
  10. Nuclear fueled steam propulsion
  11. Concept of Electrical Propulsion
  12. COGES System
MSTS-252 Propulsion Engines

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

In this Course, you will learn about the different aspects of propulsion engines which are essential for the vessel's movement. You will be able to learn about diesel and steam turbines, oil purifiers that ensure smooth running of engines, propellers and shafts that transfer power to the water, stern tube arrangement etc. Further, this Course elaborates on the working of bridge control and other marine engine control systems.

Course Topics:
  1. Diesel Engines
  2. Oil Purifiers
  3. Steam Turbine Systems
  4. Propeller and propeller shaft
  5. Stern Tube Arrangement
  6. Bridge Control
  7. Bridge Control of Controllable pitch propeller
  8. Lateral Thrusters
  9. Control Systems for ME (from bridge, ECR and local)
  10. Failures and Prevention
MSTS-253 Propellers and Steering

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course provides operational-level knowledge on steering gears, propellers, propeller shafts, and stern tube arrangements. You will learn about their working, types, IMO requirements of steering gear, working and characteristics of propellers and rudders. Stern tube lubrication and sealing, including oil and water lubrication are also explained in detail.

Course Topics:
  1. Steering Gear
  2. Ram Type Steering Gear
  3. Rotary Vane Steering Gear
  4. Electrical Steering Gear
  5. IMO requirements for Steering Gear
  6. Telemotor System
  7. IMO Requirements for testing Steering Gear
  8. Fail Safe Arrangement
  9. Propeller and propeller shaft
  10. Sketch and working of a propeller
  11. Indicated and Shaft Power
  12. Calculation of ship's speed
  13. Operation of controllable pitch propeller (CPP)
  14. Fixing Propeller to the Tail Shaft
  15. Transmission of Propeller Thrust to the Ship's Hull
  16. Rudders
  17. Stern Tube Arrangement
  18. Oil Lubricated Stern Tube
  19. Sealing
  20. Fitting of Seals in Service
  21. Oil Lubricated Bearings
  22. Sea Water Lubricated Stern Tube
  23. Water Lubricated Bearing
MSTS-254 Marine Steam Boilers

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This course covers the various aspects of auxiliary steam boilers, such as their classification, types, and mountings. It also explores topics like boiler water testing, combustion process, auxiliary boiler operation, safety, forced draft system, and waste heat boilers including composite boilers.

Course Topics:
  1. Marine Steam Boilers
  2. Auxiliary Steam Boilers and associated steam plant
  3. Classification and types of Boilers
  4. Boiler mountings
  5. Feed Water System
  6. Boiler water testing and conditioning
  7. Boiler Water Treatment
  8. Combustion Process
  9. Operation of auxiliary boiler
  10. Forced Draft system
  11. Waste Heat Boilers
  12. Composite Boilers
  13. Exhaust Gas Economiser
MSTS-255 Shipboard Auxiliary Systems

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This course focuses on various shipboard auxiliary systems, which are essential to ensuring a vessel's smooth operation and the vessel's survival at sea. Auxiliary systems, such as, pumps and pumping systems, fresh water and distillation systems, oily water separators, and oil filtering equipment are explained in this Course. Each of these systems has a distinct function and is important for a ship's continued operation at sea.

Course Topics:
  1. Pumps and Pumping System
  2. Distillation and fresh water System
  3. Stabilizers
  4. Oily water Separators and oil filtering equipment
MSTS-256 Generators, Alternators, Electrical distribution

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Anyone working with power generation equipment needs to have a solid understanding of generators, alternators, and electrical distribution systems. In this Course, you will learn how to operate navigation light circuits and alarms, and battery maintenance. Additionally, you will learn about alternative power supply, emergency generator services, and alarm and monitoring systems, all of which are essential to keep up the reliability and safety of power generating equipment.

Course Topics:
  1. Electrical Distribution Systems
  2. Use of circuit breakers
  3. Maintenance of Batteries
  4. Navigation Light Circuits and Alarms
  5. Alternative Power Supply
  6. Emergency Generator Services
  7. Manual Starting of Emergency Generator
  8. Alarm and Monitoring Systems
MSTS-257 Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Ventilation

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This Course focuses on refrigeration, air conditioning, and ventilation systems that help in maintaining a comfortable and safe working environment onboard ships. Continuous refrigeration is accomplished onboard by vapour compression cycle. Shipboard ventilation systems supply and remove air to/from spaces throughout the ship, which can be achieved through natural or mechanical means.

Course Topics:
  1. Refrigeration, air conditioning
  2. Vapour compression cycle refrigeration plant
  3. Direct Expansion Systems
  4. Indirect Expansion Systems
  5. Air conditioning plant
  6. Capacity Control Refrigeration Compressor
  7. Ventilation Systems
  8. Ventilation of accommodation
  9. Ventilation of Cargo spaces
  10. Natural and Mechanical Ventilation
MSTS-258 Marine Auxiliary Machinery

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course will provide an understanding of oily water separators, scrubbers, sewage treatment plants, EVAC systems, garbage waste management, and incinerators. It will also cover the economic and environmental impacts of these systems.

Course Topics:
  1. Oily water Separators and oil filtering equipment - OWS and ODMCS
  2. Types of Scrubbers – Dry, Wet, Open loop, Closed loop and Hybrid Scrubber
  3. Constructional features of Scrubbers
  4. Economic Impacts
  5. Environmental impact of exhaust gas scrubber system
  6. Major components of a scrubber system
  7. Sewage Treatment Plants
  8. EVAC
  9. Garbage Waste Management
  10. Incinerators
MSTS-259 Hydraulic Systems and some applications onboard

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is both for management level and the operational level Engineers and it provides an in-depth knowledge about Hydraulic Control Systems employed on ships. This course explains in detail every component of the hydraulic system. It explains hydraulic circuit analysis to provide the knowledge-base to maintain the Hydraulic controls and their applications. You will also learn about various deck machineries, like, Steam drives, Electric drives, Hydraulic oil system, Cargo Gear, Windlass, Mooring Winch and Hatch covers.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of Hydraulic Systems
  2. Components of a hydraulic circuit
  3. Hydraulic oil and its care
  4. Hydraulic Fluid Contamination and Cross Contamination
  5. Hydraulic System Filters and Strainers
  6. Hydraulic Piping and Tubing Fittings
  7. Hydraulic Hoses
  8. Safer hoses and their maintenance
  9. Hydraulic System Work Safety
  10. Troubleshooting of Hydraulic Systems
  11. Stabilizers
  12. Opening and Closing of Hatch Covers
  13. Hydraulic Winch
  14. Ship's Hydraulic Crane
  15. Hydraulic Valve Remote Control System
  16. Thrusters and Controllable Pitch Propellers
  17. Hydraulically Operated Watertight Doors
  18. Ro-Ro vessel Doors
  19. Deck Machineries
MSTS-260 Instruments and Control Systems

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This Course focuses on various instruments like sensors or monitoring equipment used onboard to sense the temperature, pressure, flow, heat, level etc. These instruments may be local or the values are continuously transmitted to the control room for ease of monitoring You will also learn about the process and kinetic control systems where these sensed values are compared with the set value.

Course Topics:
  1. Sensing and monitoring devices associated with marine equipment
  2. Equipment
  3. Gauges
  4. Monitoring Systems
  5. Mass Flow Rate meter
  6. Control Systems
  7. Process Control
  8. Kinetic Control

Course # Course Name
MSTS-302 Cargo Conventions and Documentation

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This Course provides an understanding of various rules and conventions governing the carriage of goods by sea. Some of them are Hague Rules and the Hague-Visby Rules, Hamburg rules, Rotterdam rules, etc. You will also learn about the provisions of Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, Multimodal transportation act and Intermodal or Multimodal Transport Bills of Lading. Finally, you will learn about the standardized set of forms covering various aspects such as cargo, crew, passengers, and dangerous goods and also various documentations for cargo transportation.

Course Topics:
  1. Hague-visby, Hamburg and Rotterdam Rules
  2. COGSA and Multimodal Transportation Act
  3. Multi modal Transport Act
  4. Documentation
MSTS-303 Container Cargoes

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The purpose of this Course is to provide an understanding of the various container types used in sea transport, container markings, operational principles of anti-heeling tanks, container ship design to reduce torsional stresses, safe storage, and carriage of containers, and so on. You will also learn about container ships which is the backbone of intermodal transportation system, liner service and its features, International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) and the operation of container cargo.

Course Topics:
  1. Containers
  2. Container Ships
  3. Liner Operations
  4. Container Cargo and its operations
  5. Container Code (CSC)
MSTS-304 Dry bulk Cargoes

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This course covers the key requirements of the IMSBC Code for carrying solid bulk cargoes, which helps you in managing risks and to achieve compliance with SOLAS. It includes precautions before accepting cargo, safe loading procedures, and hazard awareness. The crew's responsibilities, hold preparation, and documentation requirements are also addressed, along with ship stability, cargo calculations and draft survey.

Course Topics:
  1. Solid Bulk Cargoes (Other than Grain)
  2. Inspection and Preparation of Holds
  3. Preparation for bulk cargoes
  4. Grain Cargoes
  5. Assess Reported Defects and Damage of Bulk Carriers
  6. Cargo Calculations
MSTS-305 General Cargoes

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

General cargo ships are the oldest type of cargo ships which carries all type of general cargoes together. This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of the construction features of general cargo ships and different types of multipurpose ships. Also, it covers stability related issues, cargo stowage relationships, design and inherent vulnerability of RO-RO ships, and safety measures for the transportation and stowage of general cargo. By the completion of the course, you will have a good knowledge on the key concepts involved in shipping general and bulk cargo by sea.

Course Topics:
  1. Multipurpose Ships
  2. General Cargo and its Loading
  3. Inspection and Preparation of Holds
  4. Loading, stowing and Carriage
  5. Deck Cargo
  6. Cargo Calculations and Cargo Plans - General, Bulk Cargo
MSTS-306 Heavy lifts-Project Cargoes

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Heavy lift cargoes are large and heavy items that require specialized handling during loading, securing, and discharge operations. This Course gives you a good understanding of Heavy lift cargo. You will learn about various precautions to be taken to minimize the risks posed by heavy lift cargoes to personnel and the vessel and the methods used and precautions taken to load, secure and discharge heavy lift cargoes.

Course Topics:
  1. Heavy Lift Cargoes'
  2. Use of Shoring
  3. Use of Dunnage
  4. Load Density
  5. Distribution of Load
  6. Securing Heavy Lift
  7. Ship's Stability Considerations
  8. Hazards and Precautions for Heavy Lift
  9. Rigging of a heavy lift derrick
MSTS-307 International and National Regulations

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This Course highlights the relevant international regulations in relation to the safe stowage and securing of various cargo types. You will also learn about various international institutions like BIMCO, IACS, ICS, etc., purpose of chain register and certificates, cargo handling gear and the importance of using replacement parts that meet the manufacturer's specifications. The Course also delves into pollution claims and compensations available under IMO instruments, such as, LLMC Convention and Fund Conventions for Oil Pollution damage compensation.

Course Topics:
  1. International Regulations, Codes and Standards
  2. Cargo handling gear
  3. International Institutions
  4. Oil pollution Liabilities and Compensations
MSTS-309 Refrigerated Cargoes

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Proper preparation and loading of refrigerated cargo are crucial to maintain the required temperature and prevent damage. This involves procedures such as hold preparation, cargo inspection, temperature recording, and the use of brine traps. In this Course, we will discuss these procedures and their importance in transporting refrigerated cargo.

Course Topics:
  1. Refrigerated Cargo
  2. General Outline of Refrigeration Systems
  3. Use of Brine Traps
  4. Preparation of Cargo Space
  5. Preparation of Holds for Loading Refrigerated Cargo
  6. Cargo space Cooling Arrangements
  7. Purpose of Temperature Recording
  8. Reefer Container
  9. Inspection of Cargo
  10. Precautions when loading cargo
  11. Care and Monitoring of Reefer Cargo
MSTS-310 Roll On/Roll off and Lash Cargoes

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This Course provides an overview of different types of vehicle carriers, including pure car carriers, pure car and truck carriers, container vessel + Ro-Ro, general cargo + Ro-Ro, and passengers + Ro-Ro. It also covers the characteristics of high windage areas and their impact on vessel maneuverability and safety.

Course Topics:
  1. Preparation of the Car Decks
  2. Preparation of Floating Decks
  3. Stress limitations
  4. Bow, Stern, Side Doors and Ramps
  5. Maintaining Watertight Integrity of the Cargo Decks
  6. General outline
  7. Precautions when working cargo
  8. Procedure for setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks,
  9. Procedure for Opening, Closing and Securing Hull Openings
  10. Loading on a Pure Car Carrier (PCC)
MSTS-311 Timber Cargoes

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Timber cargo ships are specialized to carry timber in the hold as well as on deck. This Course covers the safe transportation of timber cargo, including stability and load line requirements, stability criteria, rolling period tests, and the code of safe practice for ships carrying timber deck cargoes. Hazards, walkways, visibility, and stowage and lashing requirements are also discussed, along with procedures for loading and handling timber cargo and actions to take if cargo is lost overboard.

Course Topics:
  1. Timber Cargo
  2. Stability and Load Line requirements for Timber carriers
  3. Rolling Period Test
  4. Timber Deck Cargoes
  5. Code of safe practice for ships carrying Timber Deck Cargoes
  6. Hazards
  7. Walkways
  8. Visibility
  9. Unobstructed View from Navigating Bridge
  10. Stowage and Lashing
  11. Requirements when loading timber
  12. Action if cargo is lost overboard
MSTS-314 Physics and Chemistry of Chemical Tankers

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

As a large number of cargoes of different properties and characteristics may be carried simultaneously in chemical tankers, it is vital to understand the chemical and physical properties of the chemical cargo in detail to ensure safe carriage. This Course covers the important physical and chemical terms commonly used in the field of chemical tanker shipping. The Course highlights the challenges associated with carrying chemical cargoes and emphasizes the importance of understanding the basic chemistry of chemical reactions.

Course Topics:
  1. Physics and Chemistry of Chemical Tankers
  2. Chemical Tanker Terms
  3. Physical Properties of Cargoes
  4. Chemistry of Cargoes and Laboratory theories
  5. Challenges of carriage affected by properties
MSTS-315 Rules and Regulations of Chemical Tankers

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This Course covers the International and National Codes and regulations governing the carriage of bulk chemicals by ship including the International Bulk Chemical Codes and the MARPOL Annex II requirements. You will also learn about certification and survey requirements for ships carrying chemicals, as well as the implications of MARPOL Annex II revisions, including the use of double-hulls.

Course Topics:
  1. Rules and Regulations of Chemical Tankers
  2. International Bulk Chemical codes
  3. MARPOL Annex II
  4. Certification and Surveys
MSTS-316 Arrangements in a Chemical Tanker

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

A chemical tanker is a type of tanker ship designed to transport chemicals in bulk. From this Course, you will be able to learn about the construction and features of chemical carriers, tank configurations, venting systems, coating materials, pipeline systems, cargo heating, and tank washing.

Course Topics:
  1. Types of Chemical Tankers
  2. Ship design and Cargo Containment
  3. Tank Coatings on Chemical Carriers
  4. Categorisation of Tankers and International Regulations
MSTS-317 Chemical Tanker Cargo Handling Systems

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Handling Chemical cargo is a hazardous operation, right from correct handling of cargo hose, till the cargo is delivered satisfactorily, requires a lot of attention and a good team work. This course covers the importance of safe chemical cargo handling, identifying key components of cargo systems, and proper procedural precautions. It also explains the significance of instrumentation and voyage planning in chemical tanker operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Tanks, Piping and Valves
  2. Tank materials and coatings
  3. Cargo tank vent Systems
  4. Pumps and unloading Systems
  5. Tank high level alarm systems
  6. Cargo heating System
  7. Product Gas Evolution and Dispersion
  8. Inert Gas System
MSTS-318 Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Chemical tankers are specialized ships for transporting liquid cargoes such as chemicals, oils, and gases. They are built with strict safety requirements to prevent leaks, spills, and other accidents that could harm the environment and people. Through this course, you will learn about cargo planning, loading and unloading procedures, cargo conditioning, stripping and prewash operations, and ballasting and deballasting procedures.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to chemical cargoes
  2. Cargo handling and Ballast Operations
  3. Cargo Calculations - Oil and Chemical
MSTS-319 Tank Cleaning on Chemical Tankers

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The primary purpose of tank cleaning chemical tankers is to remove the most recent cargo from the vessel’s containment systems (tanks/lines/pumps) in readiness for the next cargo. In this Course you will able to understand the tank cleaning process for inert and non-inert tanks, safety precautions, verification standards, cleaning equipment, gas-freeing, cleanliness tests, good practices, slop disposal, tank inspection procedures, and technological advancements in tank cleaning.

Course Topics:
  1. Tank Cleaning-General
  2. Tank Cleaning Procedures and disposal of Slops
  3. Gas freeing of Cargo Tanks
  4. Test for Cleanliness
  5. Gas Analysers
MSTS-320 Oil Tanker Arrangements

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course aims to provide you an understanding of oil tanker arrangements and the basic terminologies used on them for carrying dangerous liquids. You will also learn about the expansion in the US oil trade and the international and USCG classification for DL cargoes. The constructional features of oil carrying tank ships and the different types of tank ships and double hull constructions are also explained in this course.

Course Topics:
  1. Terminology for tankers and tank barges carrying oil
  2. Bulk Transportation of Dangerous Liquid (DL) Cargoes
  3. General Arrangement and Construction of Tankers
  4. Tank Arrangement, pipeline systems, tank venting arrangements,
  5. Basic Knowledge of Tankers
  6. Double Hull Tankers
  7. General arrangement and construction
  8. Types of Tankers carrying DL
  9. Arrangements of an Oil tanker
  10. Tank Coating for Oil Tankers
  11. Design and Stability of Double-Hull Tank Vessels
MSTS-321 Physics and Chemistry of Oil Cargoes

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

It is important to study the physical and chemical properties to get the basic idea of the nature of the oil cargo and how to carry them onboard and transport them safely across the sea. In this course, you will learn about the physical and chemical behavior of different types of oils as well as the hazardous properties of these cargoes. This course also covers the transportation of dangerous liquids via tank ships and barges. Further, you will also understand about electrostatic charge and pressure surge as potential physical phenomena during cargo operation.

Course Topics:
  1. Petroleum and Characteristics
  2. Chemical and Physical properties of oil cargoes
  3. Chemistry of Petroleum
  4. Physical Properties
  5. Hazardous properties of Bulk Liquids
  6. Note on Hydrogen Sulfide
  7. Electrostatic Charge Generation
  8. Pressure Surge
MSTS-322 Rules and Regulations for Oil Tankers- United States

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course covers federal regulations, national standards, and industry guidelines for tank ship operations, roles of stakeholders in tanker trading and vessel requirements for entering the USA and Canada. You will also learn about OPA90 liabilities and costs, a comparison of OPA 90 and IMO instruments, US regulations and enforcement of the Clean Air Act, ECA/SECA restrictions, US vessel verification for Annex VI, and fuel oil non-availability reports.

Course Topics:
  1. Federal regulations, National standards and Industry guidelines
  2. Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS) of 1980
  3. Oil Pollution Act 1990 (OPA 90)
  4. Clean Air Act
MSTS-323 Rules and Regulations for Oil Tankers- International

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Tank vessels operate under a variety of laws, rules and regulations. This course provides you an overview of the international regulations for oil tankers. You will learn about the MARPOL Annex I, requirements for machinery and cargo areas, oil filtering and discharge equipment, PSC inspections, SBT, double hull/bottom requirements, discharge monitoring, pollution prevention measures and the Arctic region regulations.

Course Topics:
  1. MARPOL Annex I - Oil
  2. Application and Exemption of Annex I
  3. IOPP certificate and its duration and validity
  4. Survey Requirements in Oil Tankers
  5. PSC and Control of Operational Discharge of Oil
  6. Tank Systems and Arrangements on oil tankers
  7. Requirements for Machinery spaces
  8. Piping and Discharge arrangements
  9. Oil fuel tank protection
  10. Standard Discharge Connections
  11. MARPOL Equipment List
  12. Instruments and Detection Devices on Oil Tankers
  13. Oil Content Monitor/Bilge Alarm Monitor
  14. Bilge Oil Separator
  15. Oil Record Book Part I and Part II
  16. Requirement of the cargo area of oil tankers
  17. Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBTs)
  18. Slop Tanks
  19. Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers
  20. Prevention of oil pollution from oil tankers carrying heavy grade
  21. Pumproom bottom protection
  22. Accidental oil outflow performance
  23. Hypothetical Outflow of Oil from Tanker due to damage
  24. Limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks
  25. Intact Stability, Subdivisions and Damaged Stability
  26. Crude oil washing Requirements
  27. Pumping out Bilges and During tank Cleaning
  28. SOPEP
  29. Reception Facilities
  30. Pollution prevention- STS operations
  31. Requirements for the Antarctic
MSTS-324 Oil Tanker Cargo Handling Systems

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course provides you with a good understanding on oil tanker cargo handling systems including their system components, pump designs, gas freeing, tank cleaning, inert gas systems, cargo heating, ballast systems, trim, stability, and structural integrity. You will also learn about vapour recovery systems, cargo area and accommodation ventilation, slop arrangements, and tank coatings.

Course Topics:
  1. System Components
  2. Pump designs
  3. Gas Freeing
  4. Tank cleaning
  5. Inert Gas System
  6. Cargo heating and Ballast systems fitted on tankers
  7. Trim, stability and structural integrity
  8. Vapour Recovery Systems on Tankers
  9. More on Vapour Recovery Systems
  10. Cargo area venting and accommodation ventilation on tankers
  11. Slop arrangements on a tanker
  12. Cargo and Ballast Tank Coatings
MSTS-325 Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the oil tanker cargo operations. You will learn about the cargo piping layout, loading and unloading operations, safety precautions, cargo care, ballasting/de-ballasting operations, and cargo measurement system for oil cargo transfers on tank ships.

Course Topics:
  1. Cargo Piping and Valves- Oil Tankers
  2. Cargo heating and Ballast systems fitted on tankers
  3. Pump theory
  4. Tank High Level Alarm Systems
  5. Cargo related Control Systems
  6. Tank Atmosphere Control and equipment
  7. Cargo operational plans and checklists
  8. Cargo Operation - Oil tankship
  9. Cargo measurement systems
  10. Trim, stability and structural integrity
MSTS-326 Safe Work Practices on Oil Tankers

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course covers safe work practices on oil tankers, including hazard control measures, tanker culture, safe working practices and operations, tanker safety systems, pollution prevention, and emergency procedures. By the end of the course, you will get an understanding of how to work safely and prevent accidents on oil tankers.

Course Topics:
  1. Hazards and their control measures
  2. Tanker Culture
  3. Safe working practices
  4. Safe Operations
  5. Tanker Safety Systems
  6. Pollution Prevention
  7. More on Pollution Prevention
  8. Emergency Procedures
  9. More on Emergency procedures
MSTS-330 Physics and Chemistry of Liquefied Gas Tankers

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

In this Course, you will gain knowledge and understanding of water borne transportation of liquefied gases, production and chemistry of LPG, LNG, and chemical gases, physics of liquefied gases, changing tank atmosphere, gas laws, and material safety datasheets, among other topics related to the safe handling and transport of liquefied gases.

Course Topics:
  1. Liquefied Gas cargoes and the Physics and Chemistry of carriage
  2. Production of LPG
  3. Production of LNG
  4. Production of Chemical Gases
  5. Natural Gas and Shale Gas
  6. Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Bonds
  7. Chemistry of Liquefied Gases
  8. The Chemical Gases
  9. Chemical Reactivity and Compatibility
  10. Self-Reaction
  11. Reaction with air and water
  12. Physics of Liquefied Gases
  13. Behavior of LNG
  14. Inert Gas Properties
  15. Changing Tank Atmosphere
  16. Flammability of Methane
  17. States of Matter
  18. Pressures, Temperatures and the Gas Laws
  19. Liquid and vapor densities
  20. Vapor pressure/temperature relationship
  21. Properties of single liquid
  22. Nature and Properties of solution
  23. Electrostatic charge generation
  24. Chemical symbols and Safety Datasheet
  25. Control of LNG boil-off
MSTS-331 Health, Safety and Regulations of Gas Tankers

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course covers security issues related to LNG carriers, importance of ISPS Code, OPLAN, MTSA, and AIS, safety conditions for entering a port, and so on. This course prepares you to comply with relevant regulations and protocols, assess security risks, and respond to security incidents. You will also gain knowledge on safety and security measures for LNG carriers and terminals based on international security standards and guidelines.

Course Topics:
  1. Security Measures
  2. Regulatory Compliance
  3. Health Safety and Environment
  4. IGC Code, Ship designs and Regulations
MSTS-332 Arrangements in a Gas Tanker

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course covers various aspects of liquefied gas tankers, including the different types of tankers and cargoes they carry, cargo containment systems, safety measures for hazardous areas, design for survival capabilities, and propulsion systems. You will be able to describe the liquefied gas tanker layout and identify hazardous areas on LNG tankers by the end of this course.

Course Topics:
  1. Principles of Design
  2. Types of Liquefied Gas Tankers
  3. Cargo Containment Systems
  4. Comparing Independent and Membrane Tanks
  5. Propulsion Systems
  6. Liquefied Gas Tanker Layout
MSTS-333 Gas Tanker Cargo Handling Systems

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The main objective of this Course is to equip you with knowledge about the various equipment used for cargo-related operations in onboard LNG carriers and the relevant operational procedures and requirements. By the end of this Course, you will be able to identify the different types of cargo equipment used onboard LNG carriers, describe their operating principles, safety inspections, monitoring systems, and maintenance requirements, and apply correct and safe operating procedures.

Course Topics:
  1. Inert Gas Generation Plant
  2. Nitrogen Generation Plant
  3. Gas Compressors
  4. Gas Heaters
  5. Vaporizers
  6. Cargo Pumps
  7. Vacuum Pumps
  8. Relief Valves
  9. Reliquefaction Plant
  10. Equipment and Support systems
MSTS-334 Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

eLearning Time: 7 Hrs

This course covers cargo operations on LNG carriers, including identifying different stages of cargo operations carried out on LNG carriers, operational requirements, monitoring critical parameters and managing emergencies. You will be able to learn how to apply regulations and safe practices for each operation and take appropriate action in line with safety requirements.

Course Topics:
  1. Principles of Operations
  2. Cargo Practice
  3. Post Delivery
  4. Pre-Docking
  5. On Moss Carriers
  6. Tanks, piping and valves
  7. Cargo Area Ventilation System
  8. Normal Voyage
  9. Knowledge of Cargo Operations
MSTS-335 Gas Tanker cargo calculation and custody transfer

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course highlights the commercial relevance of the time charter clauses specific to the operation of LNG carrier and know the rights and responsibilities of a ship owner under a typical charter. You will learn about time charter clauses, ship-shore interface issues, LNG measurement, and their implications on vessel operations, and performance. You will also be able to identify the relevant industry organizations and understand the economic implications of boil-off/heel management.

Course Topics:
  1. Custody Transfer
  2. Stakeholders
  3. Jargon Buster
  4. LNG Time Charters
  5. Measurement Principles
  6. Boil-off and Heel
  7. Terminal Compatibility
  8. Custody Transfer System
MSTS-336 Ship/shore Interfacing and Emergency Shutdown on Gas Tankers

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course covers emergency procedures, ship-to-ship transfer, emergency mooring release, emergency shutdown systems (ESDS), and equipment and support systems related to ship/shore interfacing on gas tankers.

Course Topics:
  1. Emergency Procedures
  2. Ship to Ship Transfer
  3. Emergency Mooring Release
  4. Emergency Shut Down System (ESDS)
  5. Equipment and Support systems
MSTS-337 LPG Tanker Cargo Operations

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

From this Course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the production process, transportation, properties, tankers, regulatory requirements, piping systems, cargo handling equipment, instrumentation, and emergency procedures related to liquefied gas cargoes. You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and efficiently handle these cargoes throughout the entire transportation process.

Course Topics:
  1. Liquefied Gases and their production
  2. Sea transportation of Liquefied Gases
  3. Properties of liquefied gases 
  4. Tankers carrying Liquefied Gas Cargoes
  5. Knowledge of Gas Carrier Cargo Operations

Deck/Engine Courses

Course # Course Name
MSTS-401 Hazards and Hazardous Areas Onboard

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

To ensure the safety of crew members, passengers, and the vessel, it is important to identify and manage hazards and hazardous areas onboard. This Course provides a thorough understanding of shipboard hazards and operational and personal safety measures to follow. This course covers important safety aspects of working on a ship, such as, safe access and transportation, ship-specific hazards, hazards of working on deck, handling wire and fibre ropes, living accommodation hazards, entering enclosed spaces, machinery space hazards, and the dangers of exposure to dangerous substances and chemicals.

Course Topics:
  2. Shipboard hazards and Precautions
  3. Safe Access
  4. Stairwells and ladders
  5. Mooring lines, and coiled lines or hoses
  6. Hot work
  7. Working on deck and in bad weather
  8. Accommodation
  9. Hazards while Paining and Precautions
  10. Using Hand and Power Tools
  11. Working with Wire and Fibre ropes and Lifting Gears
  12. Vessel Specific Hazards
  13. Galley
  14. Smoking
  15. Chemicals and Dangerous substances
  16. Enclosed/confined spaces
  17. Machinery Spaces
  18. Procedures and arrangements of Tank Entry
  19. Lifting Heavy Loads and Handling Tools
  20. Working with Electrical Equipment
  21. Rescue from Electrical Shocks and Injuries
MSTS-402 Personal Safety and Well-Being Onboard

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Personal safety primarily includes the various ways and means that a seafarer can adopt to stay safe on an individual level. This course covers topics related to personal safety, job safety analysis, personal protective equipment, situational awareness, ship familiarization, survival equipment, emergency duties, accident causes and prevention, and stress and fatigue management. The course also includes case studies to help understand the human element in accidents and the importance of rest hours.

Course Topics:
  1. Personal Safety Onboard Ship
  2. JSA - Job Safety Analysis
  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  4. Situational Awareness
  5. Personal Well-Being
  6. Ship Familiarization
  7. Lifejackets and Exposure Suits
  8. Respirators
  9. Survival Equipment
  10. Case Study: Human Element
  11. Emergency Duties and Locations
  12. Causes of Accidents
  13. Domino Theory
  14. The Reason's Model
  15. Multiple Cause Theory
  16. Stress and Fatigue
  17. Stress Management
  18. Fatigue Management
  19. Case Study - Hours of Rest
  20. Drug and Alcohol Policy
  21. Case Study and Exercise
MSTS-403 Safety Culture

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course provides a conceptual framework toward developing a safety mind-set for the crew. This course covers the ISM Code, its contents and the functional requirements for a safety management system, as well as the importance of following company guidelines, regulations, procedures and implementation of SOPs. It also discusses the role of operating manuals, reasons of human error and the importance of muster lists in emergency situations.

Course Topics:
  1. Human Error
  2. Safety Culture
  3. The ISM Code
  4. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
MSTS-404 Personal Survival - Rescue and Abandoning Ship

eLearning Time: 0.5 Hrs

For all the potential emergency situations, the shipboard crew needs to be trained to handle the rescue operations with competence and know the techniques of rescuing individuals from the sea and survival on his own, when abandoned in open waters. From this course you will be able to understand about various personal survival techniques, muster list, emergency instruction, abandon ship drills, lifesaving equipment like EPIRB, SART and line throwing apparatus. You will also learn about emergency procedures such as abandoning ship, survival after abandonment, and helicopter operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction, Muster list and Drills
  2. Lifesaving survival equipment
  3. Procedure for Abandoning Ship
  4. Survival after abandonment
  5. Helicopter operations
MSTS-405 Watertight and Weathertight Doors

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

The watertight and weathertight doors are used to prevent water coming inside the ship to cause damage and instability. The focus of this course is to make you learn the door mechanisms and handling the watertight doors following safe shipboard practices. You will learn how to differentiate between different types of watertight doors, sketch and describe their arrangement, and carry out routine inspections and maintenance. The mandatory drills and safety procedures required for watertight openings and rules regarding the number of openings in passenger ships are also explained in this course.

Course Topics:
  1. Water tight and weather tight doors
  2. Categories of Watertight Doors
  3. Rules regarding the number of openings on passenger ships and watertight doors
  4. Hydraulically Operated Watertight Doors
  5. Door mechanism and safety of operation
  6. Arrangement of Power operated sliding W/T door
  7. Hinged W/T door and means of securing
  8. Hinged and vertically mounted watertight doors
  9. Ro-Ro vessel Doors
  10. Watertight Doors- Upkeep, Drills and Records
MSTS-406 Safe Working Practices

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This Course focuses on various safe working practices onboard, including JSA, occupational safety and health, automation and safety, hazardous areas, using hand and power tools, and precautions for working with mooring lines, chemical cargoes, and electricity. You will also gain understanding of work permit procedures for safe isolation and entry into enclosed/confined spaces.

Course Topics:
  1. JSA (Job Safety Analysis)
  2. Occupational safety and health onboard
  3. Automation and safety
  4. Hazardous Areas Onboard
  5. Using Hand and Power Tools
  6. Stairwells and ladders
  7. Mooring lines, and coiled lines or hoses
  8. Precautions: carrying chemical cargoes
  9. Dangers of Electric Shock
  10. Work Permit for Safe Isolation
  11. Work Permit for Enclosed Space Entry
  12. Work Permits and a standard Hot work Permit
  13. Precautions prior to entering enclosed/confined spaces
  14. Procedures prior to entry into an enclosed/confined space
MSTS-407 Personal Lifesaving Appliances

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Maintenance of Life Saving Appliances is crucial for the survival of those on board in case of emergency. This course covers a range of personal lifesaving appliances, including IAMSAR, distress signals, portable VHF, SART, EPIRB, and personal protective equipment. You will also get knowledge on lifejackets, immersion suits, anti-exposure suits, thermal protective aids, lifebuoys, and emergency alarms and signals.

Course Topics:
  2. Portable VHF
  3. SART
  4. EPIRB
  5. Line throwing appliances
  6. Life-saving signals
  7. Anti-exposure suits
  8. Thermal Protective Aid
  9. Lifejackets
  10. Immersion Suits
  11. Lifebuoys
  12. Distress signals
  13. Emergency alarms and signals
  14. Personal Protection Equipment for Life-saving
MSTS-409 Types of Fire and Firefighting Appliances

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

For effective firefighting onboard a ship, thorough knowledge of classification of fires is required. This course covers topics like different types of fires, fire hazards, and firefighting appliances, including portable extinguishers, breathing apparatus, and maintenance procedures. By the end of this course, you will have knowledge of different firefighting equipment and how to use them effectively.

Course Topics:
  1. Different types of fires
  2. Firefighting Process Hazards
  3. Firefighting Equipment
  4. Maintenance of Fire Fighting Appliances
MSTS-410 Accident Prevention Techniques

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Prevention of accidents on board starts by identifying hazards during ship operations that are risky. This course focuses on accident prevention techniques, including accident classification, risk management, risk assessment and analysis, IMO requirements, SOPs, and risk-based decision-making processes. You'll be equipped with the knowledge to identify, assess, and mitigate shipboard hazards and risks, comply with regulatory requirements, and promote a safety culture in the shipping industry, ultimately preventing accidents and incidents.

Course Topics:
  1. Shipboard Hazards/Risks
  2. Accident Classification
  3. Risk Management
  4. IMO and Regulatory requirements
  5. Identifying and Grading of Risks
  6. Techniques for risk assessment and analysis
  7. Risk-Based Decision-Making Process
  8. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control
  9. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
  10. Implementation and oversight of SOP
  11. ISM/SOP Procedures
  12. Training Manual and Training Aids
  13. Instructions for onboard maintenance
  14. Muster List and Emergency Instructions
  15. Accident Prevention-General duties and responsibilities
  16. Safety Culture
  17. Importance of emergency drills
  18. Situational Awareness
  19. Human Element
  20. Prevention of Human Error
  21. Improving the Safety Culture onboard
  22. Some ways to prevent Accidents/Incidents
MSTS-411 Ballast Water Management

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course will equip you with the knowledge to effectively manage ballast water on ships, including understanding regulations, treatment technologies, testing procedures, and safety measures. You will also learn about current issues, challenges and efforts towards innovation in ballast water management.

Course Topics:
  1. IMO Ballast Water Management Convention - BWMC 2004
  2. Ballast Water Management Requirements
  3. BWM Federal Requirements in the United States
  4. Ballast Water Management Plan
  5. Ballast Water System and Energy Efficiency
  6. Ballast water treatment technology (BWT) Concepts
  7. BWT methods and systems on board ships
  8. Selection of BWTT systems on board
  9. BWT Compliance Monitoring and Testing
  10. The BWM- current issues and challenges
  11. Ballast Water Sediment Handling and Control
  12. Safety with BWM systems and procedures
  13. Shipboard operation and maintenance of BWMS
  14. Referencing US-BWM regulations- Important Extracts
MSTS-412 Rescue Boat and Fast Rescue Boat Operations

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

The primary purpose of the rescue boat is to recover persons from the water and to tow and marshal survival craft. Fast rescue boats (FRBs) are designed with additional features to carry out man overboard situations, general evacuations, combined rescue operations, transportation of injured, and assistance in searches effectively. This course covers rescue boat and fast rescue boat operations, including general requirements, launching and recovery arrangements, maintenance procedures, and safety boat preparedness and training, as well as details on waves, tide, and current and navigational tools.

Course Topics:
  1. Rescue Boats and Fast Rescue Boats
  2. General Requirements of Fast Rescue Boats
  3. Launching and Recovery Arrangements
  4. Handling Fast Rescue Boats
  5. Rescue boat maintenance procedures
  6. Waves, tides and current
  7. Compass, GPS, PLB'S
  8. Other operational details
  9. Safety Boat preparedness and training
MSTS-413 Liferafts Operations

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Life rafts are an essential piece of safety equipment on board ships and other vessels, as they provide a means of survival in the event of an emergency situation when almost everything else fails. From this course, you will be able to describe the characteristics and launching procedures of various life raft techniques, maintain life raft equipment, muster life rafts, and rescue survivors utilizing rescue boats and motor lifeboats. You will also learn how to use locating tools, make survival craft visible and beach a survival craft, if necessary.

Course Topics:
  1. Life rafts
  2. Methods of launching a life raft
  3. The use of locating devices when in a survival craft
  4. Life rafts operations and maintenance procedures
  5. Inflatable life rafts
  6. Rigid life rafts
  7. Hydrostatic release unit
  8. Characteristics and facilities of Life raft
  9. Equipment and outfit -Life raft
  10. Life Raft SOLAS A and SOLAS B Difference
  11. Methods of launching a life raft
  12. Life raft launching appliances
  13. The use of locating devices when in a survival craft
  14. Life rafts operations and maintenance procedures
MSTS-415 Understanding Lifeboats

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Lifeboats are small boats that are used in case of an extreme emergency in order to abandon the ship. From this Course, will have a thorough understanding of lifeboats, including their types, equipment, facilities, launching methods, dangers associated with on-load release mechanisms, actions required after launching, maximizing detectability, use of rescue boats and motor lifeboats, locating devices, beaching procedures, lifeboat engines and accessories, as well as maintenance procedures and accident prevention measures.

Course Topics:
  1. Types of Lifeboats
  2. Devices used for launching
  3. Various Launching Procedures
  4. Lifeboat Operations
  5. The use of locating devices when in a survival craft
  6. Lifeboat Engines and Accessories
  7. Lifeboat maintenance and prevention of accidents
MSTS-419 Prevention of Fire

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Crew must understand how a fire can start and grow and what can be done as an immediate measure to extinguish or, contain such fires. In that, the regular shipboard drills and exercises are extremely important as part of the fire prevention strategy. After completing this course, you will be equipped with necessary knowledge to prevent and handle potential fire situations onboard ships. This course covers topics such as the chemistry of fire, prevention measures, safe practices, firefighting organization, and drills.

Course Topics:
  1. Theory of Fire
  2. Frequent Causes of Fire on board
  3. Safe Practices in Preventing Fire
  4. Fire Safety Code and Arrangements
  5. Fire Prevention Principles
MSTS-420 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

The fixed fire extinguishing systems are designed and installed in a ship as a part of its original construction to protect large machinery spaces, cargo spaces, paint lockers and galleys. This course provides comprehensive knowledge about fixed firefighting systems such as CO2, Foam, Halon, AFFF, Novec 1230, fixed water extinguishing and fixed dry chemical powder systems. You will also learn about maintenance requirements, testing, inspection, and servicing needs for these systems.

Course Topics:
  1. Fixed Fire-extinguishing Equipment
  2. Maintenance Requirements
  3. Fire Control Plans
  4. Fire Main Piping and Cut-Out Valves
  5. Fire Stations and Fire Hoses
  6. International Shore Connection
  7. Emergency fire pump
  8. Sprinkler System
  9. Fixed Water Fire Extinguishing System
  10. Dry Chemical Powder system
  11. Fixed CO2 system
  12. Fixed foam system
  13. Clean fire suppressing systems: FM-200 and Inergen
MSTS-421 Ship Firefighting Organization

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

The ship firefighting organization includes a fire plan, muster list, crew teams with assigned tasks, drills and exercises, and maintenance of alarm/equipment systems. This course focuses on ship firefighting organization and plans for sharing of responsibilities under the firefighting and safety plan, fire detection equipment and the importance of fire drills for seafarer training. You will also learn about emergency signals and fire control plans, communication modes, and personal safety and hygiene on board.

Course Topics:
  1. Fire control plan and muster list
  2. Organization of Personnel
  3. Fire Alarms and Signals
  4. Personnel safety and PPE
  5. Firefighting equipment and system checks
  6. Shipboard drills and training
MSTS-423 Fighting Fires on Different Type of Ships and Accommodation

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This course takes you through firefighting procedures at sea, in port and defines the various firefighting methods on different types of ships and in different locations on the ship. It also covers the approach, components, and significance of fire plans, firefighting techniques at sea and in ports, alarms, safety precautions and specific firefighting techniques for various ship types and fires.

Course Topics:
  1. Fire Fighting Methods on Ships
  2. Knowledge of fire safety arrangements
  3. Firefighting on Deck
  4. Fire in Container/RO-RO Ships
  5. Firefighting in Accommodation
  6. Firefighting in Machinery space
  7. Fire in Bulk carriers
  8. Fire in Oil Tankers
  9. Fire in Chemical Tankers
  10. Fire in Gas carrier
MSTS-424 ISM Code

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The purpose of the ISM Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention. In this Course, you will learn about ISM Code’s requirements, responsibilities, and documentation process, importance of addressing non-conformity and the types of audits carried out on board, including planning, preparations, and performance.

Course Topics:
  1. ISM Code
  2. Shipboard internal audits
MSTS-425 Safety Management System

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

A safety management system (SMS) ensures safe and environmentally responsible operation of ships through policies, procedures, communication, and emergency preparedness. From this Course, you will get a clear understanding of safety management systems (SMS), the importance of addressing non-conformity, reporting and analysing procedures, safe working practices, risk assessments and the regulations and methods involved in managing risks in the workplace. You will also be able to assess risks and apply various methods of risk assessment in order to maintain safety in the workplace.

Course Topics:
  1. Safety Management System (SMS)
  2. Safe Working Practices
MSTS-427 Marine Pollution-Prevention and Response

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This Course equips you with the knowledge of preventing and responding to ship source oil pollution to protect the marine environment. You will learn about the regulatory framework under UNCLOS and MARPOL Annex I, equipment and plans involved, US oil pollution laws, criminalization issues, and oil spill response planning. You will also gain insight into the current status of oil pollution and remaining challenges under MARPOL.

Course Topics:
  1. Law of the sea (UNCLOS)
  2. MARPOL Convention
  3. MARPOL and the US Laws
  4. PSC and Control of Operational Discharge of Oil
  5. Comparing OPA with IMO instruments
  6. Pollution by Oil
  7. Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances
  8. Sewage Pollution
  9. Shipboard Garbage
  10. Vessel Air Emissions
  11. Bunkering
  12. Ballast Water
  13. SOPEP, STS and Polar waters
  14. Best Practices for pollution prevention
  15. Intact Stability, Subdivisions and Damaged Stability
  16. Requirements for Machinery spaces
  17. Requirement of the cargo area of oil tankers
  18. Crude oil washing Requirements
  19. Incinerators
  20. OPA 90 Required Equipment on board
  21. Reception Facilities
  22. Oil Spill Response Planning
  23. Response Planning Standards in US
  24. Learning from Case Stories
MSTS-428 Port State Control (PSC) Inspections

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of International Regulations. This course focuses on Port State Control (PSC) inspections and topics such as regional memoranda of understanding, clear grounds, in-depth inspections, and control under the provisions of MARPOL and STCW. You will also learn about codes used by PSCO for action taken on various deficiency, preparing for inspections, detainable deficiencies and guidelines for detention and banning orders.

Course Topics:
  1. Port State Control (PSC)
  2. Regional Memoranda of Understanding
  3. PSC Inspections
  4. Clear Grounds
  5. In-depth Inspection
  6. Control under the provisions of MARPOL and STCW
  7. Action Taken Codes used by the PSCO subsequent to an inspection and Voyage Permission
  8. Preparing for Inspections
  9. General Checklist
  10. Detainable deficiencies
  11. Guidelines for Detention of Ship
  12. Banning/Detention Orders
MSTS-430 Maritime Cyber Security

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Over the past few decades, the maritime industry has become increasingly connected and technologically dependent. Consequently, sophisticated modern-day cyber-attacks is an emerging reality for ship operators and companies are seeking ways to better prepare and mitigate this risk. This course covers the various aspects of maritime cyber security, including, legal aspects, protection, detection and mitigation against cyber security events, cyber defence strategies, etc.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Cyber Security Maritime Cyber Security
  2. Cyber Security Legal Aspects
  3. Maritime Vulnerabilities
  4. Critical shipboard systems that can be a source of vulnerability
  5. On-Board Risks
  6. Stages of a Cyber-Attack
  7. Defence Strategies
  8. Case studies
MSTS-432 Behavior Based Approach to Safety and Risk Management

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

BBS is a method of avoiding human error and improving workplace safety by observing and analyzing employees’ behavior while they work. This course is intended to enhance understanding of the fundamentals of occupational health and safety, as well as concepts and methodology to effectively implement and sustain a BBS system. You will learn the observation techniques to improve behavior patterns, thereby reducing workplace activity risk.

Course Topics:
  1. Human Element and Behavior Based Safety
  2. Risk management and the BBS
  3. Fundamentals of BBS
  4. Safety Performance and Safety Culture
  5. Recognizing at-risk behaviors during ship operations
  6. BBS and observation techniques for risk management
  7. Errors and Error Chains
  8. Case studies on BBS applications
  9. Sustaining the BBS system
  10. BBS checklist
  11. A shipboard case study on BBS
  12. BBS case study in Shipyard
MSTS-434 Introduction to Ship Stability

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Ship’s stability is one of the most important and complex concepts about safety of ship and safety of navigation and it is governed by maritime law as well as maritime codes. The course presents the importance of ship’s intact stability as part of the general concept of ship’s seaworthiness including the basic principles of ship stability, the effects of loading, discharging, and shifting weights on the center of gravity and center of buoyancy of a ship, list, trim and free surface effects, cross curves of stability and its implication on stability.

Course Topics:
  1. Principal Dimensions
  2. Floatation
  3. Principles of Stability
  4. Cross Curves of Stability
  5. Transverse Stability and center of gravity
  6. Trim
  7. List
  8. Free Surface Effect
MSTS-435 Damage Stability

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Damage stability of a ship is its ability to withstand damage situations caused by flooding of any or more of its compartments; while intact stability is all about the general ship's stability conditions. This course focuses on the concepts of ship stability–Intact Stability & Damage Stability, analyze and assess damage in the event of an accident, prescribe corrections actions and recommendations to avoid damage to intact stability during sailing.

Course Topics:
  1. Damage Stability Basics
  2. Stability verification and precautions before departure
  3. Intact Stability Requirements
  4. Damage Control Plan
  5. SOLAS General Requirements and Specialized vessels
  6. Other Statutory Requirements
  7. Post-damage Scenario
  8. Flooding
  9. Effects of flooding and control
  10. Application of Floodable Length Concepts
  11. Damage Control
  12. Emergency Repairs
  13. Damage Control Patches
  14. Damage Control Shoring
  15. Dewatering equipment
  16. Dewatering
  17. Case Studies
MSTS-436 Risk Assessment and Management

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Risk assessment is the process of establishing whether or not risks are adequately managed so that a safe system exists. Risk management refers to all measures that are carved out to manage risk. This course discusses various aspects of risk assessments and risk-based management decision making. This course covers risk management in the context of the ISM Code, regulatory requirements, and emergency planning on board. You will learn about risk analysis, evaluation, control, and assessment procedures, as well as the principles of risk-based decision making and self-control.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to risk management
  2. IMO and regulatory requirements
  3. Risk management system approach
  4. Hazards and Risk Assessment
  5. Risk Analysis
  6. Risk Evaluation
  7. Risk Reduction & Control
  8. Managing Risk
  9. Techniques of risk assessment and analysis
  10. Risk-based decision-making
  11. Emergency and situational awareness
  12. Application of risk management methodologies on other areas
  13. A risk management framework on COVID-19 for ships
MSTS-438 Incident Investigation Onboard Ship

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Incident investigations help the shipping company in identifying the risks and understand the underlying causes of incidents. This course covers various types of accidents and associated types of ships, IMO CI Code and its requirements, applicable IMO instruments that apply to accident investigation, the classification of marine accidents and incidents, common causes of maritime accidents, the basic principles of marine accident investigation, and the process of selection of incidents for investigation by a Flag State.

Course Topics:
  1. Understanding the purpose and scope
  2. Preparation for Investigation
  3. Safety management System and ISM Code
  4. Human Factors in marine operations and engineering investigations
  5. Human Factors in Incidents
  6. Human Factors- Practical Issues
  7. Human Error Modelling and Classification
  8. Reduction and Prevention of Human Errors
  9. Formal Safety Assessment
  10. Incident Investigation Process
  11. Understanding Fatigue
  12. HFACS
  13. CASMET on Human Error and Accident Investigation Methodology
  14. Investigating for Fatigue
  15. Physiology, psychology and pathology in marine accidents
  16. Arriving at Safety Solution(s)
  17. Marine Accident Report Writing
  18. Data Collection and Analysis
  19. Training and Data Management
  20. Safety Recommendations
MSTS-440 Drills and Exercises - SOLAS, MARPOL, ISPS

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

Shipboard exercises and drills for crew training starts from familiarization of personnel with equipment and systems, and then goes into more full-blown scenarios of simulating real-life shipboard emergencies such as fire on board, launching of lifeboat, entering enclosed space, abandon ship procedures etc. This course focuses on the SOLAS drills like firefighting, survival craft and rescue boat drills, abandon ship drills and damage control drills for passenger ships, MARPOL drills like fuel bunkering, bulk liquid cargo transfer, OPA exercises and ISPS Code drills like security drills, security personnel and records, security equipment and systems onboard, contingency planning and execution, etc.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Drills and Exercises
  2. Drills - SOLAS
  3. Cruise Ship Drills
  4. Closing appliances for machinery space
  5. Damage Control drills for Passenger Ships
  6. Fire Drills
  7. Operation of Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
  8. Abandon Ship
  9. Drills - MARPOL
  10. Drills - ISPS Code
MSTS-444 Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises - Machinery, Bridge and Others

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Drills and training on board are essential part of seafarers’ life. This course focuses on emergency preparedness drills for machinery failures, handling main engine failures, electrical failure and blackout procedures, actions during steering failure, training preparations for gyro/compass failure, emergency towing protocols, port emergency response, medical emergency procedures, helicopter actions in emergencies, search and rescue exercises, man overboard response, collision and grounding emergency actions, cyber security drills, proper use of personal protective equipment, communication protocols, enclosed space atmosphere measurement and safety procedures, rescue from enclosed spaces, and first aid and resuscitation techniques.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Drills and Exercises
  2. Machinery and equipment failures
  3. Bridge Drills and Exercises
  4. Enclosed Space Entry and rescue drill
MSTS-446 Understanding MARPOL

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

The shipboard crew must deal with all ship-source pollution and know how to comply with the local and international rules. This course aims to keep seafarers up-to-date on the MARPOL regulations related to ship generated wastes. It provides an overview of sources and effects of marine pollution, the various types of ship-generated waste, and the regulations governing their disposal.

Course Topics:
  1. Sources and Effects of Marine Pollution
  2. Understanding MARPOL-Annex I
  3. Understanding MARPOL Annex II
  4. Understanding MARPOL Annex III
  5. Understanding MARPOL-Annex IV
  6. Understanding MARPOL Annex V
  7. Understanding MARPOL Annex VI
  8. Understanding MARPOL-Ship Generated Wastes
MSTS-449 Bilging

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Ingress of water due to breach of the ship’s hull below the water line is termed as bilging. Understanding the effects of bilging on different compartments of a ship is crucial for crew members to assess damage and the ship's sustainability. This course covers the effects of bilging on different compartments of a ship, such as, bilging of midship, side and end compartments, as well as unsymmetrical and ship-shaped vessels.

Course Topics:
  1. Bilging of a Midship Compartment
  2. Bilging of a Compartment Fwd Aft of LCF
  3. Bilging of Unsymmetrical Compartment Around Centreline
  4. Bilging of an End Wing Compartment
  5. Bilging of a Ship Shaped Vessel
  6. Bilging Calculator
MSTS-450 Ships Electrical Safety

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Passage of electrical current is not visible and that presents the largest challenge in identifying a breach of safety in handling electrical equipment on board. This Course discusses the procedures to be undertaken to minimize the risk of an electrical shock and other accidents on board. Every ship, without exception, should have a planned maintenance system, where electrical equipment is inspected regularly and certified for safe operation.

Course Topics:
  1. Layout of Ships Electrical System
  2. Shipboard Power Distribution
  3. HV system: risk assessment and terminologies
  4. High Voltage Safety Practices
  5. Electrical stresses and ageing of HV insulation
  6. Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Procedure
  7. Electrical safety and risk management principles
  8. Detection of electric malfunction
  9. Electric shock and its prevention
  10. Arc flash and Arc blast
  11. Burns From Electrical Shock
  12. Electrical Safety Procedures
  13. Basic Safety and First Aid
  14. The interpretation of electrical and simple electronic diagrams
  15. Electrical testing and measuring equipment
  16. Principles and Need for Protective Schemes
  17. Nature and Causes of Faults
  18. Zones of Protection
  19. Operating Principles of Relays
  20. Earth Faults
  21. Earth Fault Protection
  22. Types of Insulation and materials used
  23. Insulation Resistance and Factors affecting IR value
  24. Measurement of IR value
  25. Significance of IR value
  26. Fuses and Fuse Testing
  27. Electrical Survey Requirements
  28. Introduction to Electrical Maintenance
  29. Lock Out-Tag Out Systems-Electrical Hazards
  30. Preferential Tripping Scheme
  31. Safe isolation of all electrical plants and equipment
  32. Switchboard Dielectric Gratings and Dielectric Matting
  33. Intrinsically safe equipment

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

This course is for shipboard officers, crews, superintendents, and port captains to understand and comply with the U.S. EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Vessel General Permit (VGP) regulations. From this course, you will understand the purpose and scope of NPDES in the United States, including its relation to the Clean Water Act and the role of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). You will also learn about the requirements of the NPDES permit, the significance of VGP for ships, the historical context and legal proceedings leading to ship inclusion, and the involvement of state and local agencies in regulation. Additionally, you will gain awareness of enforcement mechanisms, ongoing efforts to update the NPDES permit requirements, and potential penalties for non-compliance.

Course Topics:
  1. EPA-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
  2. The Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA)
  3. Vessel General Permit (VGP) and requirements
  4. Handling of Regulated Discharges
  5. State VGP Requirements
  6. Ship Inspection and Monitoring
  7. Recording keeping and Reporting
  8. Corrective Action
  9. Vessel-Class-Specific Requirements
  10. Discharge Types Specifically Not Authorized by VGP
  11. Case Study: Vessel General Permit Inspection

Course # Course Name
MSTS-501 Fatigue and Stress at Sea

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Safety at sea is endangered if crews suffer from fatigue, are not fully alert, or take shortcuts. This Course will provide you the ability to identify different types and sources of stress, recognize signs and symptoms of stress, understand its consequences, and develop coping skills and techniques. This Course will help you in minimizing negative effects of stress on crew members' health and safety.

Course Topics:
  1. Stress - Types and Causes
  2. Stress in Different Situations
  3. How to cope with stress
  4. Endurance Risk-factors
  5. Fatigue Management
  6. Fatigue and ship design
MSTS-502 Leadership and Teamwork

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Effective leadership and teamwork are critical for success in the maritime industry. This topic covers shipboard manning, organizational structures, leadership roles, teamwork challenges, motivation models, communication, conflict resolution, stress management, and intergroup relationships. It also delves into emergency preparedness, task and workload management, performance appraisal, and cross-cultural leadership.

Course Topics:
  1. Shipboard Personnel Management
  2. Teamwork Concepts
  3. Leadership Concepts
  4. Skills and Application of Leadership and Teamwork
MSTS-503 Personal Wellbeing Onboard

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

A seaman must be physically and mentally strong to face adversities at sea, particularly in bad weather. By the end of this Course, you will be equipped with necessary knowledge to maintain the health, safety, and productivity while working onboard. This course covers important topics which are crucial for the well-being and safety of individuals working onboard, such as personal hygiene, seafarer rights, stress management, work fatigue prevention, drug and alcohol rules, and COVID-19 protection measures.

Course Topics:
  1. Harassment including Sexual
  2. Stress and Fatigue Management
  3. Dangers of Drug and Alcohol
  4. Novel Coronavirus
MSTS-504 Human Relations Onboard

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Shipping companies are rated on how they are perceived as a responsible and caring societal value-add and how they provide their services to its clients, both external (e.g., the shippers) and internal (e.g., the ship's crew). From this course, you will obtain necessary knowledge and skills to manage your teams effectively, resolve conflicts, and use performance appraisal as a motivational tool to manage crew expectations and aspirations.

Course Topics:
  1. Human Relations and Organizational Behavior (OB)
  2. Seafarer as an individual
  3. Effective human relationships on board ship
  4. Cross and multi-cultural aspects of man management on board
  5. Organizational conflicts and management
  6. Performance Appraisal and Feedback
MSTS-505 Conflict Management at Sea

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Conflict within people can be due to many human factors including race, culture, and other prejudice. Even the stress arising out of work could negatively affect the handling of shipboard issues. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of conflicts at sea and in workplace, its causes and sources, effective methods for resolving and managing conflicts, leading to a safer and more harmonious working environment.

Course Topics:
  1. Conflict Management
  2. Understanding Conflict Theories
  3. Conflict Behavior, Conflict Management, and Conflict Resolution
  4. At Sea Conflict, Stress and Harassment
  5. How to cope with stress
  6. Personal Stress and Stress on Others
  7. Race, Culture and Gender
  8. Harassment including Sexual
  9. Eliminating shipboard bullying and harassment
  10. Conflict at Work
  11. Causes and Sources of Conflict
  12. Conflict management strategies
  13. A Psychological Tool for Conflict Management
  14. Learning to resolve conflict
MSTS-506 Cultural Diversity on Ships

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

The racial and cultural diversity of the crew creates a challenge to the people working on ships to understand and deal with problems such as, cultural biases, stereotyping, and other such issues. This course will explore and discuss these aspects of culture management. Important areas of culture management addressed in this course incudes, cultural issues with different race and gender on board, communication with language barriers, and accidents due to lack of communication on board.

Course Topics:
  1. Awareness and Appreciation of Cross- and Multi-Cultural Aspect of People Management Onboard
  2. Culture, Social interaction and Stereotypes
  3. Cultural Awareness (CA)
  4. Conceptual model of cultural awareness
  5. Recommended measures
  6. Managing the crew onboard
  7. Cultural Diversity and Communications
  8. Understanding Cultural Differences
  9. Challenges of communication with multi-cultural and multi-lingual crew and officers
  10. Case Study: Lack of proper communication leads to an oil spill
MSTS-509 Shipboard Personnel Management and Training

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Personnel management involves managing the procurement, development, compensation, integration, and maintenance of employees/crew to contribute to organizational goals. From this course, you will learn how to effectively manage shipboard personnel. You will also learn about the organizational structure, duties and responsibilities of shipboard staff, crew motivation, housekeeping for a healthy shipboard environment, training of seafarers, performance appraisal and best practices in crewing and personnel management.

Course Topics:
  1. Duties and responsibilities of shipboard personnel
  2. Officer as the Ship Manager
  3. Housekeeping, safety and hygiene
  4. Training for seafarers
  5. Performance Appraisal
  6. Best Practices in crewing and personnel management
MSTS-510 Task and Workload Management Onboard

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Workload management is the process of organizing and balancing tasks to achieve optimal productivity and efficiency within set time and resource constraints. This Course covers task analysis, planning, prioritization, and delegation of work, that are essential for effective planning, communication, and coordination in both shipboard and port environments.

Course Topics:
  1. Planning and coordination
  2. Personnel assignment
  3. Time and resource constraints
  4. Prioritization
MSTS-511 Decision Making Techniques

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Decision making affects the individual, the groups of employees or workers and the company, as a whole. Decisions are taken by individuals either for themselves and others, which could affect a larger group of individuals. This course focuses on three broad areas of decision making: decision making concepts and techniques and making decisions under an emergency situation.

Course Topics:
  1. Decision-Making Concepts
  2. Decision-Making Techniques
  3. Decision-making under Emergencies
MSTS-512 Bullying and Harassment

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

The term bullying at work is generally used for repeated and regular activities, processes, and behavior that affect a victimized person negatively. This course covers topics related workplace bullying and harassment in the maritime industry. It includes discussions on the prevalence and effects of such behavior, guidance on how to eliminate shipboard harassment and bullying, recommendations for stakeholders and adherence to the Merchant Navy Code of Conduct.

Course Topics:
  1. Bullying and Harassment
  2. Workplace bullying and harassment
  3. Prevalence of bullying and harassment at sea and its effects
  4. World of women seafaring officers
  5. ILO study: Women Seafarers: Global employment policies and practices
  6. Guidance On Eliminating Shipboard Harassment and Bullying
  7. Merchant Navy Code of Conduct
  8. Recommendations to stakeholders
MSTS-513 Effective Communication Onboard

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

It is said that 70-80% of ship accidents occur due to improper communication among seafarers on board. While there are many barriers to communication, there are also ways to improve your communication skills. This course will equip you with the knowledge to overcome barriers to effective listening, speaking, and writing. It covers effective communication techniques, understanding different cultures, the importance and types of feedback, operational instructions on board a ship, and the different types of communication like verbal, non-verbal, and para-verbal. It also covers interpersonal and workplace communication.

Course Topics:
  1. The need and the onboard complexity of communication
  2. Effective Communication Processes
  3. Communicating Techniques
  4. Communication related to ship operations and emergency situations.

Engineering Courses

Course # Course Name
MSTS-601 Marine Diesel Engine - Principles, Loads and Stresses

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

It is important for the crew to have strong foundation knowledge of Marine Diesel Engines. This course will help you in gaining knowledge on the theory and operation of two and four stroke diesel engines including the common terminologies used, valve timing diagrams, theoretical and actual power developed, calculations of mechanical and thermal efficiencies, considering mechanical and thermal losses etc. The course will also introduce modern diesel engines used in present-day ships.

Course Topics:
  1. Diesel Engine Terminology
  2. Theoretical Cycles: Internal Combustion Engines
  3. Engine Cycle, Timing Diagram
  4. Power and Efficiency
  5. Types of diesel engines
  6. Diesel Engine
  7. Flywheel and Damper
  8. Vibration Dampers
  9. Static and Dynamic Loads and Stresses
  10. Stresses on Engines
  11. Low-speed Main Diesel Engine
  12. Vibration characteristics of Two-Stroke Diesel Engines
  13. Primary and Secondary Forces and Couples
  14. Out of balance gas and inertia forces
  15. Axial Vibration
  16. Application of Elastic Theory for Torsional Vibration
  17. Balancing of Engines
  18. Additions that may be fitted to overcome primary imbalance
  19. Introduction to some modern engines
MSTS-602 Corrosion Prevention and Coating Technology

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course provides you with an understanding of current practices in the selection and use of underwater coatings for ships, corrosion control, antifouling protection, surface preparation, application processes, inspection methods, and safety considerations. It also covers recent developments in coating systems and emphasizes the critical areas of a ship that require coating protection.

Course Topics:
  1. Corrosion and Its Prevention
  2. Paints and coatings for ships
  3. Coating Degradation and Defects
MSTS-603 Construction of Marine Diesel Engines

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course provides engine crews and cadets with a good knowledge on the construction of two and four stroke diesel engines. This Course covers topics such as the bedplate, cylinder cover, mountings, liners, pistons, fuel pumps, cam and crank shafts, cross head, connecting rod, bearings and bearing materials. The course also explains the features and operations of these components.

Course Topics:
  1. Two stroke Engines Structure
  2. Cylinder cover, Mountings
  3. Cylinder Liner, Piston
  4. Crosshead, Connecting Rod
  5. Crankshaft
  6. Bearings
  7. Bearing - Clearance measurement
  8. Chain drive
  9. Camshaft
  10. Charge Air Cooler
  11. Marine Engine Nomenclature
  12. Camshaft less Engine--Sulzer RT -Flex type
  13. Camshaft less Engine--B&W ME-Type
  14. Fuel Pump
  15. VIT Pump
  16. Electronic VIT
  17. Four stroke Engines
  18. Inlet / Exhaust Valves
  19. Auxiliary Engine layout and components
  20. Wartsila Medium Speed Engines
  21. Caterpillar High Speed diesel Engines
MSTS-604 Efficient Operation of Marine Diesel Engines

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course aimed at operational and management level Engineers, explains about the assessment of the diesel engines by measuring power produced and the calculation of efficiencies. The indicated power measurement using Indicator cards and the shaft power measurement by measuring the speed and the torque. The shaft power measurement is clearly explained using the Meta Power system.

Course Topics:
  1. Performance evaluation of Diesel Engines
  2. Definition and Measurement of Power
  3. Power and Efficiency Calculations
  4. Assessment by Indicator Cards
  5. Assessment of Main Diesel Engine Power and Running Adjustments to Maintain Performance
  6. Ship with reduced design ship speed
  7. Main propulsion performance and data
  8. How to Measure Indicated Power with Indicator Diagram
  9. Main propulsion shaft torque and speed measurement
  10. Non Contact type Shaft power meter
  11. Engine Performance Optimization on board
  12. Engine Performance by Trend Analysis
MSTS-605 Detection of Common Faults and Repairs in the Engineroom

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is designed as a comprehensive document for engineers to use as a handover and familiarization guide, covering common problems in major machinery, their probable causes, temporary or permanent repair and maintenance solutions. The course also explains about the importance of customization by onboard engineers to address ship-specific design and engineering issues. This course is a very useful resource that helps you in ensuring smooth transitions and effective maintenance throughout a ship's 25-year lifespan.

Course Topics:
  1. Common Problems Found in Ship's 2-Stroke Marine Engines
  2. Common Problems Found in Pumps on Board Ships
  3. Common Problems Found in Marine Refrigeration Systems
  4. Common Problems Found in Auxiliary Engines
  5. Common Problems Found in Steering Gear System Of Ships
  6. Problems of handling bilges
  7. Problems in starting/running the Fresh Water Generator
  8. Various types of repairs: Temporary and Permanent
  9. Permanent or Semi-permanent methods of Repairs
  10. Metal-locking/metal-stitching
  11. Shaft journal grinding
  12. Breakdown Repairs
  13. Breakage of chain drives of main engine
  14. Breakdown of Turbochargers
  15. Failure of cross-head/bottom-end/main bearing of main engine
  16. Bearing failures and temporary/permanent repairs
  17. Some permanent repairs from a repair company
MSTS-606 Fuels and Lubricants

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course is for both management and operational level engineers discussing proper care of fuels and lubricants. This course covering all aspects of fuels and lubricants, including production, bunkering, testing, interpretation of test results, proper treatment for optimal performance, impact of microbial infection and the benefits of proper treatment on the lifespan of main machinery.

Course Topics:
  1. Production of Oils from Crude Oil
  2. Fuels and Combustion
  3. Lubricants
  4. Lubrication in Marine Diesel Engines
  5. Shore Side and Shipboard Sampling and Testing
  6. Interpretation of Test Results
  7. Treatments of Fuels and Lubricants
  8. Blending of fuel oil
  9. Lube Oil system and optimum purification
MSTS-607 Bunkering and Transfer of Fuel Oil

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Fuel bunkering is a very critical operation on board a ship. By the completion of this course, you will be able to explain the procedures involved in fuel bunkering and fuel transfer operations onboard a ship. The Course covers necessary checks to be conducted before, during, and after bunkering, ensuring safety and compliance, proper storage and handling of fuel on board as well as understanding various properties of fuel and the testing methods employed after bunkering for quality assurance.

Course Topics:
  1. Bunkering Procedures and Transfer
  2. Delivery of Fuel On board
  3. Fuel Transfer Pipeline and Pumping System
  4. Fuel Properties and Testing
  5. Environmental harm from oil spill and penalties
  6. Storage and Handling On Board
  7. Storage and Handling
  8. Fuel Treatment
  9. Fuel Oil System Strainers and Filters
  10. Filtering Theory
  11. Filters used onboard the Ships
  12. Construction and Working of Filter Types
  13. Back Flushing Filters
  14. Auto Clean Filter
  15. Fuel Oil Storage Tank Heating
  16. Tank Temperatures
MSTS-608 Mechanical and Electronic Flow Meters

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Flowmeter requirements vary, from mass flow to volume flow and beyond. This course is mainly for management and operational level engineers for understanding the working of the flowmeters in maritime industry. The concepts and working of the electrical and electronic flow meters are explained. A brief note on the mechanical flow meter is also given for the comparison of this type with the other flowmeters.

Course Topics:
  1. Use of flowmeters on ships
  2. Flow Measurement
  3. Rotameter
  4. Orifice Flow Meter
  5. Venturi Flow Meter
  6. Flow Nozzle
  7. The Pitot Tube
  8. Turbine Flow Meter (Mechanical)
  9. Turbine Flow Meter (Electrical)
  10. Electromagnetic Flow Meter
  11. Vortex Flowmeters
  12. Ultrasonic Flow Meter
  13. Doppler Flow Meter
  14. Pressure / Temperature Correction in Flow Measurement
MSTS-609 Hull Fouling and its Prevention

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Hull fouling can negatively affect the vessel's performance, increase fuel consumption and lead to corrosion and hence is important to identify and address fouling issues using proper prevention techniques. From this course you will get a good understanding of underwater coatings for ships, covering recent developments, critical areas of protection, anticorrosive and antifouling systems, surface preparation, paint application, inspection and quality control methods, and addressing degradation, defects, and safety concerns.

Course Topics:
  1. Hull Fouling
  2. Surface Preparation
  3. Application of Antifouling for Performance
  4. Inspection and Quality Control
MSTS-610 Fuel Pump Operation and Timing

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course is aimed at the operational level engineers to become familiar with the construction and operation of various types of fuel pumps used on board the ships. You will learn about the construction, operation, adjustment of various fuel pumps, including constant and variable injection, VIT pump operation and applications. The Course also emphasizes the effects of fuel changes and necessary precautions for diesel engines.

Course Topics:
  1. Fuel Metering Principle
  2. Checking the Timing
  3. Power developed by a Unit
  4. Variation in Exhaust gas Temperature and Power Balance
  5. VIT Pump
  6. Electronic VIT
  7. Regulation of Quantity and Injection Timing
  8. Checking and Adjusting Fuel Pump Timing
  9. Adjustment in actual Fuel Pump Timing
  10. Procedures during Changing over of Fuel Oil
  11. Constant and variable injection timing
  12. The Common Rail System
  13. Changes in fuel system for different fuels
MSTS-611 Scavenging and Supercharging

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Scavenging and supercharging systems are crucial for engine efficiency, requiring careful upkeep and maintenance to ensure optimal performance. This course is meant for operational level engineers, engine cadet and crew. Explaining the fundamentals of scavenging and supercharging. Types of scavenging and supercharging are described. Operational aspects of turbocharger are also explained. Clear description of obtaining better efficiencies using two stage turbocharging is also given in detail.

Course Topics:
  1. Scavenging types
  2. Need and methods of Scavenging
  3. Scavenge Fires and Drains System
  4. Charge air methods and systems
  5. Turboblower arrangements
  6. Charge Air Cooler
  7. Impulse System
  8. Constant Pressure System
  9. Blades of the constant pressure and the pulse turbine
  10. Assessment of pressure charging methods
  11. Two stage systems
  12. Other types: Balanced system-variation on pulse
MSTS-612 Fuel Injectors

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course is targeted at the operational level engineers to provide complete insight of the construction, adjustments, and deterioration of fuel injectors and their effects on performance of the diesel engines. You will also learn about troubleshooting, overhauling and testing of injectors, as well as the use, care and fault finding of high-pressure fuel pipes. The course also explores the use of multi-injectors in fuel systems.

Course Topics:
  1. Fuel Injection Characteristics
  2. The Common rail injector
  3. HEUI Injectors- CAT
  4. Electronically controlled Injectors- Wartsila
  5. Main engine fuel injector
  6. Fuel Valve Cooling system
  7. Injector Deterioration
  8. Nozzle Burning
  9. Troubleshooting of Fuel Injectors
  10. Using of more than one fuel Injectors
  11. Multi Injector arrangements
  12. Fuel System Leak Off and Alarms
  13. Fuel Injection Pipe- Fault finding and report writing
  14. Replacement, Overhaul and Testing
  15. OHS issues for overhauling fuel Injectors
MSTS-613 Waste Heat Recovery and Exhaust Gas Boilers

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Waste heat recovery (WHR) plays a significant role in enhancing energy efficiency by capturing and utilizing heat from industrial processes, particularly through the use of waste heat boilers for collecting exhaust gas energy. This course focuses on waste heat recovery for enhancing thermal and overall plant efficiency in the shipping industry. It covers topics such as Sankey diagrams, composite boilers, exhaust gas economizers, waste heat recovery in slow and medium speed diesel engines and various types of waste heat boilers, waste heat recovery potential and its implications.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of Waste Heat/Auxiliary Boilers
  2. Types of Waste Heat Boilers
  3. Composite Boilers
  4. Auxiliary Boiler and Composite Boiler Burners
  5. Exhaust Gas Economizer
  6. Waste Heat Recovery for Diesel Plants
MSTS-614 High Pressure Steam Boilers

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

This course is aimed at both the operational and managerial level engineers to improve their knowledge base on the construction, operation and maintenance of boilers used on board the ships. You will learn about steam cycle, thermodynamics, high pressure water tube boilers, low pressure fire tube boilers, combustion process, air register principles, burner types, and the use and maintenance of refractory materials for thermal energy conservation.

Course Topics:
  1. Steam Theory
  2. Main Boilers
  3. Main Fuel System and Combustion
MSTS-615 Low Pressure Auxiliary Boilers

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This course is aimed at the operational level Engineers starts with the fundamental boiler design principles and explains the types of low-pressure auxiliary boilers used on board the ships. You will get a good understanding of boiler components, mountings, automatic combustion control system, boiler feed water system and treatment, boiler operation, and safety devices and also highlights their functions and maintenance.

Course Topics:
  1. Auxiliary steam boilers
  2. Steam boiler mountings
  3. Boiler Combustion System
  4. Boiler Feedwater and Treatment Systems
  5. Operation and Safety of auxiliary boiler
MSTS-616 Various Types of Pumps used onboard

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Pumps on ships convert mechanical energy into various forms of energy and serves as a means to transport fluid. In this Course, you will learn about various types of pumps, working principles, components and regulatory requirements for pumping systems under the CSM cycle. You will also learn about the periodic inspection of shipboard piping system is important for the proper functioning of pumps onboard.

Course Topics:
  1. Various types of Pumps
  2. Reciprocating Pump
  3. Rotary: Positive Displacement Pumps
  4. Rotary Axial Flow: Propeller Pump
  5. Rotary: Centrifugal Pump
  7. Regulatory Requirement
  8. Annual Survey
  9. Intermediate Survey
  10. Renewal Survey
MSTS-617 Shipboard Valves and Piping Systems

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

This Course focuses on valves, pipelines and pumps used onboard ships. You will learn about common pipelines, valve fittings, and schematic diagrams. It addresses pipeline failures caused by corrosion, erosion, overpressure, leakage, and improper design, emphasizing precautions, maintenance, and protection measures to extend the system's lifespan and avoid costly repairs. The Course also provides you with the knowledge necessary for efficient onboard pipeline system maintenance and care.

Course Topics:
  1. Piping Systems on Ships
  2. Problems and Prevention
  3. Pipeline Maintenance
  4. Types of Valves
  5. Valve Repairs
  6. Types of Piping and Standards
  7. Types of Fittings
  8. Tubing and Tubing Fittings
  9. Shipboard instruction manuals for valve maintenance
MSTS-618 Plate and Tubular Heat Exchangers

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Heat exchangers allow control over the dynamics of heat transfer between fluids and they are widely used in many marine applications. By the end of this course, you will get a good understanding of heat exchangers and their role in improving energy efficiency. This course covers heat transfer calculations, selection of Heat Exchangers, fluid flow arrangements, types of heat exchangers used on ships, their constructional features, efficient operation, maintenance procedures and the applications of thermal fluid heating systems for enhanced onboard energy efficiency.

Course Topics:
  1. Role of Heat Exchangers
  2. Patterns of flow in heat exchangers
  3. Types of Heat Exchangers
  4. Heat Transfer principle
  5. Heat Exchanger Theory and Selection
  6. Shell and Tube type HE
  7. Plate type HE
  8. Thermal Fluid Heating System
  9. Selection of Heat Exchangers
MSTS-619 Pumps and Pumping Systems

eLearning Time: 7 Hrs

A Pump is a mechanical device used to transfer fluid from one point to other by imparting energy supplied by a prime mover to the liquid. It provides comprehensive knowledge on fluid systems and pump operations in marine environments. This course covers fluid mechanics, pump types and components, routine pumping systems on board ships (bilge, ballast, fuel oil, cargo, fire pumps, and sanitary systems), hydrophore system, potable water handling and treatment, regulations for bilge and ballast systems, oily water separators (OWS), and pump characteristics and applications (centrifugal and positive displacement pumps).

Course Topics:
  1. Fluid mechanics and shipboard pumping systems
  2. Various types of Pumps
  3. Pumping System Characteristics
  4. Routine pumping operations
  5. Domestic Fresh Water Hydrophore System
MSTS-620 Compressed Air System

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is meant for operations level engineers, providing detailed information on compressed air systems, including control air for pneumatic control systems. It covers air bottle construction, mountings, inspections, regulations, theory, operations and testing of air compressors. The course also explains plate type valves and their role in the system.

Course Topics:
  1. Compressed Air Systems
  2. Air bottles
  3. Mountings and Associated System
  4. Regulation
  5. Construction
  6. Procedure for Inspection and Pressure Testing
  7. Control Air System
  8. Air Compressors
  9. Theory of Compression
  10. Types of Air Compressor
  11. Reciprocating Air Compressors
  12. Operation of Air Compressor
  13. Air Compressor-- Manuals
MSTS-621 Fresh and Potable Water System

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

As a watchkeeping engineer, you should know the principle of operation and operating techniques of the fresh water generator system onboard. This course is meant for operational level engineer and it explains the distillation principle of fresh water production in ships, constructional and operational features of shell type and plate type fresh water generator. You will also learn about the principles, operational and constructional features of reverse osmosis type fresh water generator with both single and double pass types, the operational principles of domestic FW hydrophore, testing of water generated and the treatment required for making it as a potable water.

Course Topics:
  1. FW Generators and Vacuum Evaporators
  2. Principle
  3. Distillation of Seawater
  4. Plate Type FW Generator
  5. Reverse Osmosis
  6. Materials of Construction
  7. Operational problems and remedies: FWG
  8. Potable Water
  9. Purpose of Potable Water Systems
  10. Potable Water Pumps
  11. Potable Water Piping Systems and Valves
  12. Segregation of Potable Water Tanks and Piping
  13. Domestic Fresh Water
  14. Hydrophore System
  15. Potable Water Sanitation and Treatment
  16. Hot Water Heaters and Hot Water Systems
MSTS-622 Shipboard Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

On ships, the refrigeration system preserves perishable goods by lowering their temperature to prevent deterioration, while air conditioning ensures human comfort by modifying and maintaining the air condition. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of refrigeration systems on merchant vessels. It covers thermodynamic concepts, working principles of direct and indirect expansion systems, reefer compressor components, and handling procedures for various types of refrigerated cargoes.

Course Topics:
  1. Refrigeration principles
  2. Components of a Reefer System
  3. Reefer Compressors
  4. Galley Refrigerator and Water coolers
  5. Cargo and domestic Reefer plants
  6. Air conditioning Systems
MSTS-623 Measuring Instruments -Temperature, Pressure and Level

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

On board the ship, we need to measure a lot of parameters, but most of the measurements are related to pressure, temperature, level and flow in a process. This course for both management and operational level engineers and the Electro Technical Officer introducing them to all the types of measuring instruments-gauges/sensors/transducers/transmitters- for the measurement of temperature/ pressure level /flow measurements used on the ships. The important parameters of the instrumentation have been described. The effect of calibration on the accuracy and checking the instruments’ onboard requiring calibration has been explained.

Course Topics:
  1. Classification and Characteristic of Measuring Instruments
  2. Temperature Measurement
  3. Pressure Measurement
  4. Level Measurement
MSTS-624 Steering Gears and Regulations

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course is targeted towards operations and management level. This Course provides you a good understanding of ship steering systems, including their theory, importance, types, operation, and troubleshooting. It also covers emergency steering, safety features, regulatory requirements, and maintenance practices for trouble-free steering functionality.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of Steering Systems
  2. Types of Steering Systems
  3. Rudder and Tiller details
  4. Electro hydraulic-- Two Ram System
  5. Electro hydraulic-- Four Ram System
  6. Rotary Vane Steering Gear
  7. All Electric Steering Gear
  8. Hydraulic Pumps
  9. Steering Gear Operations and Safety Systems
  10. Steering gear safety devices, Rudder Limit Switches and Turning
  11. Modes of Steering
  12. Auto Pilot
  13. Emergency Steering
  14. Steering Gear Troubleshooting
  15. Requirements of Electro-Hydraulic Steering Gear
  16. Steering safety rules and regulations
  17. Monitoring and maintenance of Steering Gear
  18. Steering Gear Testing and Drills
MSTS-625 Reefer and AC System - Control, Instrumentation, Safety and Maintenance

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is for both management and operational level engineers and electro technical officer, involving the refrigeration and AC control and instrumentation systems. Knowledge of the control system is also essential in maintenance of safety of the reefer plant and the crew working on board.

Course Topics:
  1. Reefer and AC Control Systems
  2. Reefer and Air Conditioning Instruments-gauges
  3. Safety in Reefer and Air Conditioning systems
  4. Oil-Contamination in the Refrigeration System
  5. Ref-AC - Maintenance and Casualty control
MSTS-626 Shipboard Water (Potable, Cooling and Boiler) and Treatment

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Water on board serves various purposes, such as human consumption, cleaning, and machinery use, but it can pose challenges to hygiene for both humans and machinery. This course provides you with a comprehensive knowledge on the importance of water testing on board, including segregation of systems and the use of sterilization methods. It also covers the effects of untreated water on crew health and machinery, along with necessary treatments based on test results.

Course Topics:
  1. Potable Water and Treatments
  2. Cooling Water Systems and Treatments
  3. Boiler water and chemical treatment
MSTS-627 Propulsion and Transmission Shafting

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

The transmission system in ships transfers engine power to the propeller, but experiences significant power loss in the process. This course covers the components and maintenance of propulsion shafting, including reduction gear, couplings, bolts, bearings, and thrust block. It also explains the alignment procedures, use of stern tube bearings and seals for efficient propulsion shaft operation.

Course Topics:
  1. Transmission System
  2. Stern Tube and Bearings
  3. Propulsion Shaft Alignment
MSTS-628 Marine Machinery Condition Monitoring

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Condition monitoring enables predictive maintenance by detecting potential faults in machines before they cause noticeable issues. This course focuses on condition-based monitoring and maintenance for marine propulsion engines, including lubrication oil analysis, vibration monitoring, and ocular monitoring. It also covers the integration of Computer Aided Performance Analysis (CAPA) and survey requirements for propeller shafting and bearing.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Condition Monitoring
  2. Condition Monitoring Techniques
  3. Marine Diesel Engine CM
  4. Computer Aided Performance Analysis (CAPA)
  5. Two Specific Methods of Condition Monitoring of Diesel Engines
MSTS-629 Propellers, Rudders and Thrusters

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Efficiency of propellers, rudders, and side thrusters directly impacts fuel consumption, speed and cross-sectional design streamlining in ships. This course targets engineers at operational and management levels and it focuses on the study of propellers, transmission shafting, and power transmission for propulsion and steering in ships. You will also learn about thrust generation, power transmission and steering capabilities.

Course Topics:
  1. Propellers and fittings
  2. Types of Rudders
  3. Bow and Stern Thrusters
  4. Steerable Propeller Systems
MSTS-630 Shipboard Ventilation System

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Shipboard ventilation systems supply and remove air to/from spaces throughout the ship. From this course, you will get a good understanding of ship ventilation, including needs for different spaces, ventilation systems, natural and mechanical ventilation differences, fans and blowers used, ER ventilation arrangements, ventilation issues in cargo carrying, cargo heating and ventilation requirements for tankers, and maintenance procedures for ship ventilation systems.

Course Topics:
  1. Ventilation of shipboard spaces
  2. Natural and Mechanical Ventilation
  3. Types of Powered Ventilation
  4. Cargo space Ventilation
  5. Cargo Tank Venting
  6. Ventilation of Engineroom
  7. Pump Room Supply and Exhaust Vents
  8. Accommodation Supply and Exhaust Vents
  9. Galley Exhaust Hoods
  10. Machine Shop Welding Exhaust Hoods
  11. Fans and Blowers
  12. Types of Fans and Blowers
  13. Energy Efficiency Opportunities
  14. Fire Dampers
  15. Volume Dampers and Air Registers
  16. Vent Openings and their Closures
MSTS-632 Stern Tubes and Sealing Arrangements

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course is aimed to provide the operational level engineers and it covers stern tube types, oil lubricated stern tube arrangements, types of seals used and their fitting. You also learn about stern tubes with oil and water lubrication, water and oil cooled bearings, as well as stern tube oil lubrication arrangements.

Course Topics:
  1. Stern Tube Arrangements
  2. Sea Water Lubricated Stern Tube bearings
  3. Oil Lubricated Stern Tube bearings
  4. Stern Tube Lube Oils
  5. Sealing Arrangements
MSTS-633 Automation and Control Systems

eLearning Time: 7 Hrs

This course is for both management level and the operational level engineers, explains the functional purpose of control systems onboard ships. It covers the functional purpose of control systems, essential instrumentation, working principles, and control system philosophy in shipboard operations. The course emphasizes the significance of control systems, explains various instrumentation and system principles, and highlights the potential for unmanned ship operation based on current technical capabilities.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of shipboard automation
  2. Instruments
  3. Control Systems
MSTS-634 Pollution Prevention Equipment Onboard

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course is aimed at operational and managerial level engineers, covering topics such as bilge oil separators, oil content monitors/bilge alarm monitors, ODMC and oil/water interfaces. It also explains shipboard precautions to prevent pollution from operations, MARPOL requirements and implications for tank ship operations, SOPEP and SMPEP measures, incinerators and other air pollution prevention equipment and provides checklists for maintaining pollution equipment in ready to use condition.

Course Topics:
  1. MARPOL and other regs and pollution prevention
  2. Oil Pollution Prevention Equipment
  3. Sewage treatment technologies onboard ships
  4. Incinerators
  5. Air Pollution Prevention
MSTS-635 Main Engine Cooling - Methods and Systems

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is for both management and operational level engineers explains the functional purpose of cooling system in diesel engine and the design features of cooling system. This course also covers centralized fresh water-cooling systems and load-controlled cooling systems in modern propulsion plants, associated problems, maintenance procedures, cooling water testing and the advantages and disadvantages of different additives used in fresh water-cooling systems.

Course Topics:
  1. C.W. System Design
  2. Cooling of engine components
  3. Typical Cooling Systems of Large Marine Diesel Engine
  4. Sources and types of CW contamination and its effects
  5. Countering CW Contamination
  6. CW system testing and evaluation
  7. Cleaning of Cooling Water System
MSTS-636 Sewage and Wastewater Treatment

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course is mainly for the operational level engineers onboard the ships and it focuses on the sanitary water system arrangements, sewage systems and the working principles of sewage treatment plants on ships. It also explains about the arrangements of marine sanitation devices (MSDs) under US laws, regulations controlling sewage effluence and the operation and working principles of e-Vac systems onboard.

Course Topics:
  1. Sanitary and Sewage Systems
  2. Types of Sewage Systems
  3. Types of Sewage Treatment
  4. Rules and Regulations regarding Sewage Discharge
  5. Sewage Effluent Testing
MSTS-637 Main Engine Bearings

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course is meant for operational level engineers and it focuses on main engine bearings, lubrication, operation, clearances, flaws, lube oil contamination effects, main bearing clearances, crankshaft deflection, measurement procedures, and inference from deflection results.

Course Topics:
  1. Bearing Design Concepts
  2. Types of Bearings
  3. Bearing metals and their properties
  4. Crosshead Bearings
  5. Bottom End (Crankpin) Bearing
  6. Main Bearing
  7. Lubrication of Bearings
  8. Crankshaft deflection overview
  9. Bearing measurements
  10. Condition based monitoring of ME Bearings
  11. Bearing Maker Instructions
MSTS-638 Turbocharger

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is for the operational level engineers explains them about working and types of Turbochargers and turbocharging, different types of bearing used. You will also learn about the theoretical and practical aspects of surging, water washing procedures, new developments in turbochargers and turbocharger maintenance procedures.

Course Topics:
  1. Working and Types of Turbocharger
  2. Types of Turbocharging
  3. Types of Bearings
  4. Surging - Matching with Engine
  5. Turbocharger - New Developments
  6. Turbocharger Operation and Maintenance
  7. Turbocharger Manual
MSTS-639 Main Engine Lubrication

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course is meant for operation and management level engineers, describing the mechanism of wear and how wear can be reduced by lubrication. The Course covers various types of engine wear, describes lubricating oil contamination and its adverse effects, detection methods, maintenance of engine oil considering all connected factors, prevention of microbial degradation of lubricating oil, optimizing feed rate and properties of cylinder lubricating oil.

Course Topics:
  1. Lubrication of Slow and Medium speed diesel Engine
  2. Shipboard systems and lubrication
  3. Bearing Lubrication and Clearances
  4. Lube oil purification on board
  5. Lube Oil system and optimum purification
  6. Centrifugal Purifiers
  7. Care for Lube Oil onboard
  8. Lubrication problems and challenges
  9. Use of additives in Lube Oil
  10. Lube Oil analysis and suitability for further use
  11. Shipboard Lube Oil tests and analysis limits
  12. Spectrographic analysis to check wear and tear of engine
  13. Guidelines to Interpretation of System
  14. Oil Analysis Results
MSTS-640 Inspections and Overhauling of Diesel Engines

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Diesel engines require regular maintenance and attention, as minor issues can quickly lead to costly damages. This course provides practical instructions on inspecting, calibrating, and overhauling diesel engines. It emphasizes the importance of measurement and calibration for identifying issues, assessing wear rates, maintaining engine health records, monitoring maintenance trends related to pistons, liners, cylinder valves, and other running gears in order to ensure effective care and maintenance of diesel engines at sea.

Course Topics:
  1. 2-Stroke Piston and Cylinder Liner Calibration
  2. Cylinder Head Assembly Overhauling
  3. Overhauling of 4 stroke Engine
MSTS-641 Principles of Control Engineering

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course introduces the concept of automation and automatic control systems to Engineers and Navigating Officers. You will also learn about the types and principles of operations of ship control systems, factors influencing automatic control development, functional purposes of control systems, various control types with shipboard applications, and differences and comparative advantages of control media like Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Electrical, and Electronics.

Course Topics:
  1. Automation and Control Engineering Principles
  2. Basics of Automation and Control System
  3. Automatic Control and Block Diagram
  4. Classification of Control Systems
  5. Control Media
  6. Understanding Gain
  7. Types of Control Systems
  8. Process and Kinetic Control System
  9. On-Off Control
  10. Proportional Control
  11. Integral Control
  12. Rate or Derivative Control
  13. P + I + D Control
  14. Stacked Type Controller
  15. Servomotors
MSTS-642 Automation and Control of Shipboard Systems

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is mainly for operational and management level Engineers and the electro technical officers to give a clear understanding of most control system applications working on ships. It covers the concepts for maintaining automation systems, failure analysis cases to highlight potential issues during ship operation, essential tests and fault diagnosis procedures, maintenance procedures for control systems and emergency procedures in case of system failure.

Course Topics:
  1. Typical Control System in Ship
  2. Cargo Control Room Control System
  3. Steering Gear System
  4. Auxiliary Diesel Power Distribution, Alarm and Shut Down
  5. Oil Mist Detector
  6. Salinity Indicator (Dionic Gauge)
  7. Oil in Water Monitor
  8. Bridge Control System in Ship.
  9. Engine Room Control System in Ship
  10. Automatic Control of Main Engines
  11. Governors
  12. Marine Steam Boilers
  13. Refrigeration system
  14. General Requirements of Automatic Control Equipment and Safety Devices
MSTS-643 Fundamentals of Hydraulic Controls

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course is both for management level and the operational level Engineers and Electro Technical Officers for providing an in-depth knowledge about Hydraulic Control Systems employed on ships. This course explains in detail every component of the hydraulic system. It explains hydraulic circuit analysis to provide the knowledge-base to maintain the Hydraulic controls and their applications.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of Hydraulic Systems
  2. Basic Hydraulic Circuit
  3. Hydraulic circuit theory
  4. Components of a hydraulic circuit
  5. Hydraulic circuit analysis
  6. Hydraulic Valves
  7. Directional Control Valves
  8. Spool Valves
  9. Actuating Mechanisms in DCV
  10. Two Position DCV
  11. Three Position DCV
  12. Modes with DCVs
  13. Control of hydraulic circuits
  14. Cylinder synchronizing and safety Circuits
  15. Speed and Directional Control of Hydraulic Motors
  16. Flow Control Valves
  17. Pressure Regulation
  18. Symbols for Hydraulic Valves
  19. Fluid power actuators
  20. Hydraulic accumulators
  21. Hydraulic pumps II
  22. Hydraulic System Oil Coolers and Heaters
  23. Hydraulic oil and its care
  24. Hydraulic System Filters and Strainers
  25. Hydraulic Piping and Tubing
  26. Fittings
  27. Sizing of Pipework in Hydraulic Systems
  28. Hydraulic Hoses
  29. Hydraulic System Work Safety
MSTS-644 Final Control Elements

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is mainly for both operation and Management level Engineers and the Electro Technical officer to provide an in-depth knowledge about the various types of Control Valves, Actuators and Valve Positioners. All types of valve and positioners are clearly explained. The electrically and electronically operated valves and positioners are described in detail. The reader after completing course should be able to reset, calibrate the valves and the positioners and keep the automation functioning.

Course Topics:
  1. Working principles of control valves
  2. Valve Terms and Types
  3. Flow characteristics of control valves
  4. Valve Characteristics
  5. Influence of Valve Bodies on Flow
  6. Final Control Element
  7. Diaphragm Operated Control Valve
  8. Control Valve Actuators
  9. Valve Positioners
  10. Fail-Safe, Fail - Set Strategies
  11. Wax Element Valves
  12. Electrically Operated Valves
MSTS-645 Air Emission Regulations and Compliance Methods

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

This course is for both management and operational level Engineers to have a clear understanding of the Air pollution due to ships and methods for their compliance. The methods to reduce air pollution due to CO/CO2- SOx / PM---NOx are clearly discussed. All the methods implemented for the present compliance issues like all types of scrubbers, EGRs, SCR have been discussed. Continuous emission monitoring system currently used is described. The alternate fuels and their effect on the basic economics of the operation is explained.

Course Topics:
  1. Brief overview of Air Emissions
  2. Some methods to reduce Air Emissions
  3. Introduction to Regulations on prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
  4. Alternate fuels
  5. Compliance for today and the future
MSTS-647 Energy Efficiency and Management Onboard

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is designed for qualified officers on board with a focus on senior management level officers particularly in the engineering department. It covers the regulatory frameworks of EEDI and SEEMP, emphasizing new technology, powerpack selection, innovations in hull and propulsors, alternative fuels, renewable energy, and operational measures for efficient ship operations, benefiting ship managers ashore in GHG control efforts.

Course Topics:
  1. Climate change and Shipping
  2. Shipboard Energy Management
  3. Ship Time in Port
  4. Energy Policy and Management
  5. More on Energy Efficiency
MSTS-648 Maintaining a Safe Engineering Watch

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The course is aimed at engineroom watchkeepers at the operations level including the ETOs. This course covers the duties, responsibilities, and regulatory requirements of engineroom watchkeeping, emphasizing the consequences of failure to prevent accidents and the importance of a safety mindset. You will also learn about the human factor issues and promotes adherence to company policies and objectives for enhanced safety during watchkeeping activities.

Course Topics:
  1. Company policy, ISM Code and the Engineroom operations
  2. Engineering Department Organization
  3. The Human Factor Issues
  4. Safety Actions and Prevention of Accidents on Ships
  5. Efficient watchkeeper requirements
  6. Standing a watch
  7. Taking Over/Handing over Watch
  8. Chief Engineer's standing instructions, Chief Engineer's night orders
  9. Monitor and Record Data
  10. ISM checklists for watchkeeping
  11. Pollution Control
  12. Critical Operating Periods
  13. Permits
  14. Communication
  15. Machinery Operation Guidelines
  16. Manoeuvring Checklists
  17. Emergency Checklists
MSTS-649 Efficient Running of Shipboard Scrubbers

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course is meant for both operations and management level engineers, including ETOs, focusing on equipping shipboard engineers with the necessary skills to safely and efficiently operate scrubber systems and ensure environmental protection from exhaust gas pollution. It covers understanding the functioning of scrubber plants, maintaining optimal efficiency, performing preventive maintenance tasks according to manufacturers' instructions and shipboard SMS.

Course Topics:
  1. Problems of air emissions from ships' exhausts
  2. Types of Scrubbers and their constructional features
  3. Regulations and Documentation for scrubbers
  4. Scrubber Operation and Safety Features
  5. Scrubber Maintenance and Troubleshooting
  6. Discussion on opportunities and challenges in scrubbers
MSTS-650 Marine Elevators

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

The primary purpose of marine elevators is to facilitate the movement of goods and personnel throughout the ship, as stairs or ladders may be difficult or unsafe to use in certain situations. This Course provides the details of the elevators in typical vessels, such as, Cruise Liners, Ferries, Yachts, Cargo Ships, and Offshore platforms. The Course covers functional description of the elevator components and the subsystems used in elevator operation and protective devices provided in the marine elevator system to safeguard personnel and to protect the load and the elevator equipment from damages.

Course Topics:
  1. Comparing Elevators on land and on ships
  2. Example of marine elevator applications
  3. Elevators- Hydraulic
  4. Elevators- Traction
  5. Gearless machine with permanent magnets (PM)
  6. Elevator Inverter and the VFD
  7. General Operating Requirements
  8. Elevator Systems and Components
  9. Inspection and Testing
  10. Construction and Operation of Marine Elevators
  11. Selection Guide
  12. Trouble Shooting
  13. Escalators
MSTS-651 Casualty Control of Shipboard Automation and Control System

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course covers fault detection and maintenance for shipboard automation and control systems. It includes troubleshooting procedures and preventative measures for system failures. You will also learn how to use electrical testing equipment and interpret diagrams.

Course Topics:
  1. Control system failures and prevention
  2. Electrical testing and measuring equipment
  3. The interpretation of electrical and simple electronic diagrams
  4. Troubleshooting Control Circuits
MSTS-652 Control - Measuring Instruments - Flow, Gas Analyzers and Others

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This course is designed for both management and operational level engineers, as well as Electro Technical Officers. The Course provides an introduction to various types of measuring instruments used on ships, including flow meters and other instrument-based measurements. You will also learn about advancements in technology, particularly in electronics and includes examples of portable, handheld, and in-situ measuring devices.

Course Topics:
  1. Classification and Characteristic of Measuring Instruments
  2. Flow Measurement
  3. The Gas Analyzers
  4. Other Measurements
MSTS-653 Work Activities During Engine Room Watchkeeping

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This lesson aims to educate seafarers about watchkeeping principles and their responsibilities while performing watchkeeping duties both in port and at sea. It will also cover the regulatory requirements that must be followed during watchkeeping.

Course Topics:
  1. Work activities during engineroom watchkeeping
  2. Managing the watch routine
  3. Boiler Operations
  4. Burner Operation
  5. Assist Soot Blowing Tubes
  6. Assist Blowing Down Boiler
  7. Change and Clean Fuel Oil Strainers
  8. Check for Carbon, Punch Carbon, Clean Register Drains
  9. Monitor Auxiliary Machinery
  10. Monitors Bearings and Shafting
  11. Regulates Cooling Water Temperatures
  12. Monitors Tank Levels
  13. Checks Air Receivers and Filters for Water
  14. Monitor Electrical Plant
  15. Monitors Compressed Air Plant
  16. Monitors Potable Water System
  17. Checks Steering Gear
  18. Monitors Refrigeration and AC Machinery
  19. Monitor Fresh Water Generators
  20. Adds Oil to Machinery
  21. Pumps Bilges to Holding Tanks
  22. Cleans Bilge System Strainers and Roseboxes
  23. Changes and Cleans the Strainers
  24. Assists in Oil Sampling
  25. Assists in Starting and Securing Main Propulsion Plant
  26. Assist in Maneuvering
MSTS-654 Engineroom Resource Management

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course on Engine Room Resource Management teaches students on how to allocate and prioritize resources, effectively communicate, possess assertiveness and leadership skills, and manage workload and personnel. They will also develop situational awareness and decision-making techniques in emergency and normal operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction and Constituent elements of the ERM
  2. Company Policies and Organizational Structures
  3. Planning and Coordination
  4. Culture and Communication
  5. Watchkeeping
  6. Allocation, Assignment of resources
  7. Prioritization
  8. Fatigue Management
  9. Effective communication onboard and ashore
  10. Stress Management
  11. Case Study: Story of the Magic Pipe and Violation Reporting
  12. A case of hours of rest
  13. Assertiveness
  14. Team Building
  15. Delegation
  16. Motivation
  17. Leadership
  18. Decision Making
  19. Risk Management
  20. Situational Awareness
  21. Errors and Error Chains
  22. Understanding Emergencies
  23. Maritime Resource Management using SHELL model
  24. Effective Safety Management System
  25. Case Study: Human Element
  26. Case Study- Boiler Uptake Fire
  27. Decision options, selection and outcome
MSTS-655 Hydraulic Controls - Shipboard Systems

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course is both for management level and the operational level Engineers and Electro Technical Officers for providing an in-depth knowledge about Hydraulic Control Systems employed on ships. This course explains in detail every component of the hydraulic system. It explains hydraulic circuit analysis to provide the knowledge-base to maintain the Hydraulic controls and their applications.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of Hydraulic Systems
  2. Components of a hydraulic circuit
  3. Basic Hydraulic Circuit
  4. Hydraulic Valves
  5. Fluid power actuators
  6. Hydraulic accumulators
  7. Hydraulic pumps I
  8. Hydraulic pumps II
  9. Hydraulic System Oil Coolers and Heaters
  10. Hydraulic oil and its care
  11. Hydraulic Fluid Contamination and Cross Contamination
  12. Hydraulic System Filters and Strainers
  13. Hydraulic Piping and Tubing Fittings
  14. Hydraulic Hoses
  15. Safer hoses and their maintenance
  16. Troubleshooting of Valves
MSTS-656 Hydraulic Controls and its Applications Onboard

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course is both for management level and the operational level Engineers and Electro Technical Officers for providing an in-depth knowledge about Hydraulic Control Systems employed on ships. This course explains in detail every component of the hydraulic system. It explains hydraulic circuit analysis to provide the knowledge-base to maintain the Hydraulic controls and their applications.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of Hydraulic Systems
  2. Components of a hydraulic circuit
  3. Hydraulic oil and its care
  4. Hydraulic Fluid Contamination and Cross Contamination
  5. Hydraulic System Filters and Strainers
  6. Hydraulic Piping and Tubing Fittings
  7. Hydraulic Hoses
  8. Safer hoses and their maintenance
  9. Shipboard Hydraulic Systems
  10. Hydraulic System Work Safety
  11. Troubleshooting of Hydraulic Systems
MSTS-658 Drydocking

eLearning Time: 7 Hrs

This Course focuses on the necessary preparations, inspections, and activities before, during, and after drydocking, including underwater hull inspection, propeller and tail shaft maintenance, overhaul of underwater valves, safe practices and procedures, and post-drydocking checks. From this course, you will be able to understand the drydocking process, proper maintenance and completion of necessary work activities.

Course Topics:
  1. Docking Safety
  2. Onboard Preparations before Docking
  3. Planning for Activities in Drydock
  4. Prepare Drydock Specifications
  5. Before entering the drydock
  6. During Drydocking
  7. After Drydocking
  8. Safety Practices in Dry-dock

Course # Course Name
MSTS-702 Electrical Power Distribution on Ships

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Uninterrupted availability of supply has become a basic necessity nowadays and it is achieved with the help of an Electrical power distribution system. This course focuses on electrical distribution system onboard ships, including AC and DC systems, HV and LV distribution, and generator selection. It also covers power distribution, earthing, electric propulsion and electrical survey requirements.

Course Topics:
  1. Systems of alternate and direct current shipboard installation
  2. HV Distribution in ships
  3. Electrical Survey Requirements
  4. Connection of Shore Supply
MSTS-703 Alternators

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Alternator is an electrical machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. This course will provide you with will have a thorough understanding of the functioning and characteristics of alternators. You will learn about the principles of alternators, their construction, three-phase voltage generation, earthing, rotor classification and assembly, speed frequency, output waveform, fixed speed alternators, excitation, and automatic voltage regulators.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Alternators and Course Objectives
  2. Alternator Principle
  3. Alternator Constructional Details
MSTS-705 Synchronizing and Load Sharing by Generators

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Synchronizing of alternators is the execution of two alternators connected in parallel or connected using a common bus-bar. This course covers parallel running and synchronizing theory of alternators, load management in paralleled alternators and the concept of power factor management by alternators. The Parallel operation of generators enables better reliability of power supply systems to be achieved. It is used when the power capacity of electrical loads is large.

Course Topics:
  1. Parallel running and synchronising theory
  2. Load Management of Paralleled Alternators
MSTS-706 Circuit Breakers

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

A circuit breaker is an electrical switch designed to connect or disconnect an electrical installation from the Source Power/Voltage. Its basic function is to immediately discontinue electrical current flow during fault conditions. In this Course, you will get a comprehensive understanding of circuit breakers and their various functions and applications. This Course covers the Control Schemes of Circuit Breakers, the Physics of Arcing Phenomenon, DC and AC Circuit Breaking, Restriking Voltage and Recovery Voltage, Rating and Selection of Circuit Breakers, Types of Circuit Breakers and Testing of Circuit Breakers.

Course Topics:
  1. Control Schemes of Circuit Breakers
  2. Physics of arcing phenomenon
  3. Restriking Voltage and Recovery Voltage
  4. Rating and selection of Circuit breakers
  5. Types of Circuit Breakers
  6. Testing of Circuit Breaker
MSTS-707 A.C. Motors and Starters

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

A.C Motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy (or alternating current) into mechanical energy by applying electromagnetic induction. This course will help you in gaining skillful knowledge in working with A.C Motor including their construction, operation, protection, and applications in the marine industry. It covers various types of AC motors and their speed control methods and also discusses the effect of varying frequency and voltage on their performance.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to A.C motors and Course Objectives
  2. Squirrel Cage IM Constructional Details
  3. Slip ring or Wound type Induction Motor Construction
  4. Single and Three Phase Squirrel Cage IM Principle
  5. Squirrel Cage IM Protection
  6. Synchronous Motors A.C.
  7. Other AC Motors
  8. Effect of Varying Frequency and Voltage of A.C. Motors
  9. Deck Machineries - A.C Electric Motors and VFD
  10. Applications of A.C Motors in Marine field
  11. A.C. Motor Starters
MSTS-709 High Voltage Fundamentals

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The usage of high-voltage electrical systems in ships has been in increasing state in recent years. Though the applications of high voltage systems in ships are inevitable, the risks and consequences of electrical accidents involving high voltage are higher than low voltage installations. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of high voltage technology on board ships, including its concepts, applications, arrangement, modes of operation, insulation structures, testing procedures and High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC).

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction and Objectives of the course
  2. High Voltage technology and its applications onboard ships
  3. High Voltage measuring, Instrumentation and testing equipment (Fix Polarization index and IR test procedures for High Voltage equipment
  4. High Voltage shore Connection (HVSC)
MSTS-710 Electric Propulsion Fundamentals

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

For effectively maintaining and operating the Electrical Propulsion system in the ship, a thorough knowledge on the principles, construction and operation is essential for the crew in the ship. This Course covers the concept, advantages, and principles of electric propulsion in ships, including the utilization of electrical equipment and the operation of azimuth propellers.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction and Course Learning Objectives
  2. Concept of Electrical Propulsion
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of electrical propulsion system
  4. Principles of Electrical Propulsion Systems
  5. Synchronous motor for electrical propulsion
  6. Speed control by varying the frequency (Pulse Width Modulation)
  7. Azipod propulsion systems-Explanation with sketches
  8. Future of electrical ship propulsion systems
MSTS-711 Ship's Electrical System Maintenance

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

All types of electrical equipment in ship need periodical maintenance for the uninterrupted operation of electrical equipment during voyage. This Course covers various maintenance procedures for ship’s electrical machines such as insulation resistance testing, misalignment correction, and transformer servicing. You will also learn about condition-based monitoring techniques and problem-solving skills, providing a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques required for effective maintenance.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Electrical Maintenance
  2. Insulation Resistance
  3. Maintenance Works Generally being done
  4. Periodicity of the Maintenance Procedures
  5. Practical Operational Problems
  6. Maintenance of Busbar
MSTS-712 Electrolysis and Electrolytic Cells

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Electrolysis is the process of passing electrical current through an ionic solution to produce a chemical reaction. The resulting chemical reactions in both the electrodes result in the flow of ions that produces electricity. This Course provides you with a thorough understanding of the electrolysis process and its various applications. You will learn about electrolysis and electrolytic cells, including the conductance of electrolytic solutions, redox reactions, Faraday's laws of electrolysis and the theory of electrolytic dissociation.

Course Topics:
  1. Conductance of electrolytic solutions
  2. Molar Conductivity and Kohlrousch's law
  3. Redox Reactions
  4. Electrolysis Process
  5. Introduction to Electrolytic Cells
  6. Faraday's Laws of Electrolysis
  7. Products of Electrolysis
  8. Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation Applied to Common Solutions
  9. Use of Electrolysis
MSTS-713 Transformers

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

A transformer is a static equipment which transforms electric power of one circuit into electric power of the same frequency of another circuit. This course provides you with thorough understanding of transformers and their use in the marine industry. You will learn about the principles, construction, and working of transformers, including energy losses, three-phase transformers, center-tapped transformers, and auto transformers. You will also learn about testing methods, parallel connection conditions, and special design needs for marine transformers.

Course Topics:
  1. Principle and Theory of transformers Energy losses in transformers
  2. Construction of Transformers 3 phase transformers
  3. Centre-Tapped Transformers
  4. Auto-transformers
  5. Series Parallel Connections of Transformers.
  6. Testing of Transformers
  7. Special design needs of Marine Transformers
MSTS-714 Protection of Transformers, Generators and Motors

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Different electrical equipment in ship like alternators, transformers, motors etc., need different types of protective relays to safeguard against faults. By learning this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge to protect electrical equipment in different situations. You will learn about protection of transformers, generators, and motors from various electrical faults and disturbances by using relays such as Buchholz relay, differential relay, and pressure relief device. It also covers topics such as overload protection, earth fault protection, reverse power protection, and rotor earth fault protection.

Course Topics:
  1. Transformer Protection
  2. Generator A.C. Protection
  3. Motor Protection
MSTS-715 Electrical Protection Principles

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

The ship crew should learn about the principles and purpose of protection relaying and the common causes of faults on electrical equipment for maintaining uninterrupted power supply on a ship and ensuring efficient operation. From this course, you will understand about electrical equipment protection and coordination. This course covers principles and purposes of protection relays, common causes of electrical faults and grounding methods, protection schemes, fault level calculation, and preferential trip schemes.

Course Topics:
  1. Protection Schemes Electromagnetic Relays
  2. Principle of Operation of Other Types of Relays
  3. Fuses and Fuse Testing
  4. CTS, PTs and their Application in Protection Schemes
  5. Introduction to Static Relays
  6. Numerical Protection
  7. Comparison of Numerical Relay with Conventional relays
MSTS-722 Motors - Starting Methods, Starters and Speed Control

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

You will get a thorough understanding of motor control and speed control techniques from this Course. You will learn about starting methods, types of starters, and speed control techniques used in AC and DC motors. It also covers the control of DC motor speed using various methods, including flux control, armature control, field control, and SCR control.

Course Topics:
  1. A.C Machines – Starting and speed control
  2. D.C Machines – Starting and speed control

Office Courses

Course # Course Name
MSTS-801 Role of the Ship Manager

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course provides an understand the role and responsibilities of a superintendent in a shipping company. The course described the organizational structure of a typical shipping company and details the roles and responsibilities of a general, technical, and marine superintendent. The course also details effective management of ships in operation, including the Master’s Overriding authority.

Course Topics:
  1. The Superintendent
  2. The Role and Responsibility.
  3. Coordinating Activities
  4. Master's Overriding Authority

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

International Conventions, Flag State and Registration of Ships and Port State Control: These are the three major areas that address shipping business operations from a legal and international perspective. After going through this course, one should be able to: Know the IMO's function and structure, how IMO conventions and codes are developed and implemented, the contents of major IMO conventions and codes such as SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, etc., the role of a Flag State in developing and implementing IMO or ILO conventions, the role of the WHO, and the requirements of the ILO convention of MLC2006

Course Topics:
  1. International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 1948
  2. Method of adoption of International Regulations
  3. World Health Organisation and International Labour Organisation
  4. Implementing International Conventions
MSTS-803 International Conventions

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of various international conventions related to maritime safety, pollution prevention, labor regulations, tonnage measurements, and other important aspects of the maritime industry.

Course Topics:
  1. SOLAS 74 
  2. MARPOL 73/78
  3. STCW 1978
  4. TONNAGE 1969
  5. Maritime Labor Convention 2006
  6. Conventions on Maritime Safety
  7. Conventions on Prevention of Marine Pollution
  8. Other Conventions
MSTS-804 International Codes

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

IMO Codes are the part of the convention explaining in detail of some part mentioned in the convention. By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of various international codes related to maritime safety, security, environmental protection, and ship operations.

Course Topics:
  1. ISM Code 1998
  2. ISPS Code 2002
  3. IBC Code 1983
  4. IGC Code 1983
  5. LSA Code 1998
  6. FSS Code 2000
  7. IMDG Code 2002
  9. IS Code 2008
  10. IMSBC Code 2008
  11. FTP Code 2010
  12. ESP Code 2011
  13. NOISE Code 2014
  14. RO Code 2015
  15. IGF Code 2015
  16. III Code 2016
MSTS-806 Budgets and Cost Control for Ships

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

A budget is a forecast of the cost of operating the ship, taken over a financial year. This course provides an understanding of how to prepare a budget for ship operation and maintenance and apply appropriate methods to monitor, analyze, and control costs.

Course Topics:
  1. The stakeholders and the profitability in shipping
  2. Costs and Accounting
  3. Importance of a Budget
  4. Superintendent's Responsibility
  5. Types of Budget
  6. Budget Preparation
  7. Budget Monitoring
MSTS-807 Purchasing by Ships

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Purchasing is the function of an organization that is responsible for acquisition of required materials, services, and equipment for a ship. This course helps one understand purchasing procedures, understand the need for delivery control, and how to determine the quantity of spare parts needed.

Course Topics:
  1. Purchase Function
  2. Sourcing Vessel's Requirements
  3. Monitoring and Control of Cost
  4. Delivery Control
  5. Purchase of Spare Parts
  6. Online Purchasing software
MSTS-808 Quality Assurance Onboard

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Quality is not an accident. It’s the result of a process that works. Quality assurance is the reliability which comes from inbuilt checks and controls, that ensure the process works as desired. This course helps one understand quality assurance principles, significance of reporting, and the responsibilities of a company adopting a quality assurance system.

Course Topics:
  1. Quality Basics
  2. Preparing for Quality
  3. Establishing a QMS
MSTS-809 Health, Safety, Security and Environment Management

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

This course covers the impact of HSSE policies on risk management, emergency response, health and environment, and ship recycling. It provides knowledge on safety guidelines, environmental management systems, ISM Code, ISPS Code, ILO-MLC, and IMO guidelines on recycling, shipowner's responsibility, future trends in ship breaking and green ship recycling.

Course Topics:
  1. Safety and Risk Management
  2. Emergency Response
  3. Health and Environment
MSTS-810 Project Management

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Project management is the discipline of defining and achieving a set of goals, while optimizing the use of allocated resources (time, money, people, space, etc.). This includes planning, scheduling, and monitoring the project. This course helps in understanding and applying project management tools and principles in various ship management activities.

Course Topics:
  1. Importance of Project Management
  2. Project Management Tools
  3. Management Skills
  4. Negotiation
MSTS-812 Information Technology for Seafarers

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Information Technology (IT) enables us to understand business processes better and make informed decisions. With the increasing complexity of ship operations, they are indispensable to ship officers and superintendents. This course covers the use of IT systems in ship related operations. It also provides information on popular IT systems used in shipping.

Course Topics:
  1. IT Systems
  2. Using IT Systems
  3. Introduction to networking
  4. Introduction to digitalization
  5. Introduction to Cyber Security
MSTS-814 Drydocking and Repairs

eLearning Time: 8 Hrs

This course provides the knowledge to Plan and implement drydocking and repairs of a vessel. Activities detailed include, preparations required before drydocking, areas of underwater hull which are inspected in dry dock, withdrawal and refitting of propeller and tail shaft, underwater valves which are to be overhauled in dry dock, safe practices and procedures during dry docking, after drydocking checks and work activities for completion of drydocking process.

Course Topics:
  1. Docking Safety
  2. Onboard Preparations before Docking
  3. Planning for Activities in Drydock
  4. Before Drydocking
  5. During Drydocking
  6. After Drydocking
  7. Safety Practices in Dry-dock
MSTS-815 Port State Control

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to ensure compliance with international regulations regarding ship condition, equipment, and crew operations. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of port state control regulations and their impact on ship operations. It also covers inspection procedures, detention-causing deficiencies, commercial implications of public records, effective communication and reporting to avoid detentions.

Course Topics:
  1. Understanding Port State Control
  2. PSC Inspections
  3. Port State Inspection- Precautions by Ship Staff
  4. Detailed Inspections by PSC
  5. Contravention and Detention
  6. New Inspection Regime and Appeal Procedures
MSTS-816 Purchase, Sale, Takeover and Delivery of Ships

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course equips ship superintendents with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage the purchase, sale, take-over, and delivery processes of ships. It covers commercial procedures, documentation, legal aspects, and inspection procedures involved in ship transfers, ensuring a smooth transition and compliance with relevant regulations.

Course Topics:
  1. Reasons for Sale/Purchase
  2. Procedures for Handing Over/Taking Over
  3. Inspections at Taking-Over
  4. Case Study
  5. Sale and Delivery
MSTS-818 Inspection and Surveys

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Inspections allow one to find out first-hand the effectiveness of the onboard maintenance management. this will help in planning, budgeting, training, and continual improvement of the management system. This course provides guidance for a systematic method for inspection of ships, prevention of technical defects and non-conformities, and record keeping of inspection related documents.

Course Topics:
  1. Ship Inspections
  2. Systematic Inspection
  3. Technical non-conformities
  4. Inspection related records
  5. Case study
  6. Resources
MSTS-819 Certification and Survey of Ships

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

The IMO has standardized documents some countries may accept, per the Facilitation of Maritime Traffic Convention, but it is also common for countries to require a crew list and other forms for port entry. The specific documents required to operate and enter port are a function of the ship’s classification, construction, tonnage and cargo. This course provides knowledge on knowing the certificates which a ship must carry, understand their importance and how to keep them validated.

Course Topics:
  1. Statutory Certificates and Documents
  2. Survey Requirements for Statutory Certificates
  3. Class Certificates
  4. Monitoring certificates status
MSTS-821 Emergency Response by Ships

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course discusses methods to write precise reports and maintain records efficiently. The course helps apply understanding of emergencies and responses to lessen risk, respond effectively, including dealing with media, record clearly and precisely and maintain records efficiently.

Course Topics:
  1. Regulatory Requirements
  2. Understanding Emergencies
  3. Emergency Response Plans
  4. Managing the Media
  5. Evaluating Emergency Services
  6. Learning from Accident Reports
MSTS-822 Cargo Carriage

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Cargo carriage is the primary reason for the existence of marine transport. This course helps understand cargo operations, including handling of dangerous goods, evaluate their needs and outline the follow up actions to maintain the cargo spaces, hatch covers, cargo gear, ballast tanks and associated equipment.

Course Topics:
  1. Business of Cargo Carriage Planning the Carriage
  2. Loading and Unloading Procedures
  3. Monitoring Cargo
  4. Maintenance
  5. Cargo Damage and Claims
MSTS-823 Personnel Management for Ships

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Personnel management is one of the most complex and challenging fields of ship management. It deals with the people dimension in management. This course helps recognize that all ships must be manned and operated according to Flag State requirements, understand collective bargaining agreements between the Shipping Company and the Union, and understand the principles of human resource management, and apply them in training and development of personnel.

Course Topics:
  1. Managing Human Resources
  2. Mandatory Manning Regulations
  3. Organization and Management of Crew
  4. Employment
MSTS-824 Marine Insurance and Law

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

Maritime Law and Insurance covers the major areas of concern that affects the shipping business operation from a legal and insurance perspective. This course addresses the roles of the IMO and the Flag States, how the IMO conventions and codes are developed and implemented, the functions of a ship registry and the process of registering a ship, the role of the classification societies in maintaining a ship, the need and requirements of Port State Control in shipping, and the process of PSC inspections and its implication for commercial ship operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Principles of Marine Insurance
  2. Protection and Indemnity Insurance
  3. Maritime Law
MSTS-825 International Trade by Multimodal Transportation and Chartering

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

Shipping plays a vital role in international trade. Huge volumes of cargo or goods are transported by water. This course helps understand the requirements of different kinds of charter party and apply this knowledge to prepare vessels for third party inspections and surveys.

Course Topics:
  1. International Trade by Multimodel Transportation
  2. Chartering
MSTS-826 Control Of Ship Operations

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Ship operation is exposed to the perils of the sea, and hence, requires specialized skills. This course helps understand, analyze and plan the organizational structure and management procedures to operate the ship under normal running and emergency conditions.

Course Topics:
  1. Ship Operations
  2. Planning and Implementation
  3. Monitoring and Control
  4. Methods of maintenance of safety and security of the vessel
MSTS-827 Nautical Equipment

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

Nautical equipment can be broadly classified as navigational equipment including radar, communication equipment, safety equipment and lifesaving appliances. This course provides an understanding of the functions, fitting, commissioning, testing, certification, and maintenance requirements of major nautical equipment.

Course Topics:
  1. Navigation Equipment Communication Equipment
  2. Cargo Handling and Mooring
  3. Type Approval
  4. Fitting, Commissioning and Testing of Nautical Equipment
  5. Maintenance of nautical equipment
  6. Regulations
MSTS-828 Engineering Control System Management

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

An automatic control system process is defined by the British Standard as, "the measured value of a controlled condition is compared with a set value and a correction dependent on their difference is applied to the correcting condition in order to adjust the controlled condition without human intervention in the closed-loop formed by the comparing and correcting chains of elements and the process." This course helps with understanding the functional purpose of control systems and automation onboard, and the emergency procedures to be followed when the automation system fails.

Course Topics:
  1. Why Control Systems?
  2. Control System Operations
  3. Control System Failures
MSTS-829 Engineering Materials

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

This course focuses on providing knowledge of the common materials used onboard and relevant statutory and classification requirements. The course specifically addresses types of steel and their uses, use and limitations of various materials used onboard a ship (e.g. steel, aluminum, rubber, copper, asbestos, cast iron, epoxy resin, GRP), statutory and classification society requirements for the materials used onboard ships, and help prepare a ship repair specification.

Course Topics:
  1. Engineering Materials, Materials under load and Testing of materials
  2. Hull, machinery and equipment
  3. Statutory and classification society requirements for the materials use
  4. Hull
  5. Machinery
  6. Repair Specification
MSTS-830 Hull and the Ship Structure

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

The hull of a ship is designed and built to withstand the various static and dynamic loads it encounters throughout its life. Classification societies certify the materials used in ship building and supervise the construction. This course provides understand of the importance of structural strength of a ship and ensure that it is maintained at all times during operation.

Course Topics:
  1. Ship Structure
  2. Construction Methods and Processes
  3. Ship Inspection
MSTS-831 Ship Machinery

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Men and machinery in cohesion contribute to the performance of any shipping company. This course helps understand the principles of maintenance, competency requirements of ship staff and the importance of critical spares in ensuring safe and effective machinery operation.

Course Topics:
  1. Machinery Classifications
  2. Classify systems for machinery - main components
  3. Start up and shut down procedures of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery systems
  4. Management of fuel and ballast operations
  5. Use of internal communication systems
  6. Operational procedures of electrical and electronic control equipment
  7. Testing, Detection of faults, maintenance and restoration of electrical/electronic control equipment
  8. Competences at the management level
  9. Safety of engine equipment, systems and services
  10. Critical Spares
  11. Maintenance Systems
  12. Performance Evaluation
  13. Methods to ensure availability of critical items
MSTS-832 Technical Equipment

eLearning Time: 1 Hr

Included under the definition of Technical Equipment are the main and auxiliary engines, boilers, electrical equipment, gearing, propeller and shafting, and ancillary equipment (compressors, coolers, filters, evaporators, and piping). This course helps understand the functions of technical equipment, their commissioning, maintenance, and necessary certification requirements.

Course Topics:
  1. What is Technical Equipment
  2. Fitting Commissioning and Testing
  3. Safe Working Load and Lifting
  4. Maintenance and Certificates
  5. Ship Manager's Responsibilities
MSTS-833 Machinery Maintenance

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

Improper operation and maintenance of machinery is one of the main causes for personnel injury onboard. This course provides the knowledge to analyze onboard maintenance procedures and prevent machinery malfunctions.

Course Topics:
  1. Safety Culture and Safety Management
  2. Competences at the management level
  3. Administer Maintenance and Repair
  4. Methods to ensure availability of critical items
MSTS-834 Prevention of Corrosion and Fouling on ships

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course covers corrosion control, types of coatings, surface preparation, paint application, inspection methods, coating degradation, and safety considerations in painting operations. You will also learn how to protect metal surfaces, ensure quality control and identify potential defects and failures in coatings.

Course Topics:
  1. Corrosion and Its Prevention
  2. Coating Types, their Mechanisms and Protection
  3. Hull Fouling and Surface Preparation of Hull in Dry-dock
  4. Application of Coatings
  5. Inspection and Quality Control
  6. Coating Degradation, Defects, and Failures
  7. Safety in Painting Operations
  8. IMO Resolution and Classification requirements for protective coatings
MSTS-835 Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Management

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

The Maritime Logistics course deals with the logistical challenges of maritime entities in a supply chain environment and examines aspects of successful ship ownership, operation, and management. From this Course, you will be able to understand and analyze world trade patterns, recognize the drivers of trade and trading structures, comprehend maritime logistics and supply chain management, explain multi-modal transportation processes, evaluate maritime logistics challenges, employ problem-solving approaches, recommend strategic solutions for logistics problems in maritime entities, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of intermodal and multimodal transportation.

Course Topics:
  1. World Trade Patterns
  2. International trade and multi-modal transportation
  3. Supply Chain
  4. Concept of Intermodal transportation
  5. Intermodal and Multimodal transportation
MSTS-836 Breakbulk Shipping

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

The term break bulk comes from the older phrase “breaking bulk” which is the extraction of a portion of the cargo on a ship, or the beginning of the unloading process from the ship’s holds. This course provides an in-depth understanding of breakbulk and project cargo transportation, including the types of ships and cargoes involved, the processes for unloading and handling, and the roles of different stakeholders. It also covers the complex documentation, port clearance procedures, and coordination required for successful breakbulk operations.

Course Topics:
  1. An Introduction to Global Trade
  2. Breakbulk Transportation Process
  3. Breakbulk Cargo
  4. Breakbulk Chartering
MSTS-837 Types of coatings and their applications for painting on ships

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

The course aims to provide the senior management on board and managers ashore, with an in-depth knowledge of paint coatings and their applications for shipboard protection of steel structures including underwater hull, cargo holds and tanks, the deck and the accommodation, plus the engine room. The course describes the coating failures and consequences. It discusses various types of performance measurement and checks that are essential while undertaking a painting project. Inspection during and after painting is essential and also involves the Class inspection; the course also highlights the safety and hazard aspect involving painting and the training requirement of personnel doing the job.

Course Topics:
  1. Types of coatings for ship painting
  2. Surface preparation and Coating techniques
  3. Preparation and Application of Coating
  4. Area Calculation- for Paints
  5. Inspection and Coating Thickness Measurement
  6. Hazards caused from painting and precautions
  7. Safety Summary and Training Guidelines for Painting
MSTS-838 Climate Change Policies and Efficient Ship Operations

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

After completing this course, you will have a thorough understanding of the impact of climate change regulations on shipping, including ship design and operations. They will also be equipped to implement shipboard energy management procedures, optimize fleet operations, use e-navigation and weather routing for efficiency and ensure optimal energy efficiency through company policies and certifications.

Course Topics:
  1. Climate change and Shipping Ship-board Energy Management
  2. Ship Time in Port
  3. Fleet Operation Management
  4. Energy Policy and Management
  5. Updates and Summary on Energy Efficiency for ships
MSTS-839 LNGF Basics

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

This course equips students with knowledge on the operation of gas carriers in relation to LNGF, the chemistry and behavior of LNG, and the mechanism involved in scrubber operation for propulsion diesel. By completing this course, students will be prepared to work in the LNGF industry with a solid understanding of its fundamentals.

Course Topics:
  1. Conversion and Newbuilding for LNGF
  2. Physical properties of liquefied gases
  3. Basics of LNG
  4. Transportation and Behavior of LNG Scrubbers for Non-LNGF Ships
  5. LNGF Refresher Interactives
MSTS-840 LNGF Bunkering

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

After completing this course, you will be able to identify bunkering facilities, understand the challenges and safety procedures involved in LNGF bunkering and will be familiar with custody transfer process in LNGF bunkering.

Course Topics:
  1. Bunkering Facilities
  2. LNG Bunkering Challenges
  3. Bunkering Options
  4. Bunkering System Components
  5. Emergency Shut Down System ESDS
  6. Bunkering Operations
  7. Safety of Bunkering Operation
  8. LNG Bunkering Considerations
  9. Custody Transfer
MSTS-841 LNGF Containment and Ancillaries

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course provides a good understanding of LNG storage, containment, and bunkering on board. It covers the technological aspects, ancillary systems and equipment involved, equipping participants with the knowledge and confidence to engage in the LNG fuel trade.

Course Topics:
  1. LNG Storage and Containment
  2. Membrane Tanks
  3. Cargo Containment Systems
  4. Positioning of LNG Fuel Tanks and Systems
  5. Tank Environmental Control
  6. Safety Precautions and Measures
  7. Tank Atmosphere Evaluation
  8. Ancillary systems
  9. Fuel Supply Systems
  10. Ancillary Equipment
MSTS-842 LNGF Health, Safety and Compliance

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

This course focuses on health and safety considerations when handling LNG as a marine fuel, along with the relevant regulatory framework. It emphasizes risk prevention and equips participants with the necessary knowledge to ensure safety, environmental protection, and preparedness in LNG fuel operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Human body and health
  2. First aid treatment
  3. Fire Safety
  4. Fire Prevention
  5. Environmental Issues
  6. Risk Management
  7. Regulatory Compliance
MSTS-843 LNGF Main Engine, Equipment and Control Systems

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

This course discussions on the main propulsion equipment and associated system. It includes all the safety systems that safeguard the operation of LNGF on board. It also includes the control and supervisory systems that include equipment, gauges, analyzers and various types of meters to keep the LNGF operation safe, measurable and accurate. It includes the electrical and diesel powering equipment and machinery capable of handling dual fuel operation.

Course Topics:
  1. Control and Monitoring Systems
  2. Main Propulsion Equipment
  3. Guidelines for Duel Fuel Diesel Engines
  4. Additional Info - Gas Burning and BOG Management on LNGC
MSTS-845 USCG Port State Control

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

After completing this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of Port State Control in shipping, including the USCG-PSC inspection regime, preparations required for inspections, types of inspections for various ships, and measures to avoid and handle detention situations. They will be equipped with valuable knowledge and skills to ensure compliance and prevent detention incidents.

Course Topics:
  1. PSC explained with a global perspective
  2. USCG PSC Inspection strategies and processes
  3. Preparing the ship for inspection and use of checklists
  4. PSC Inspection and focus areas of attention
  5. PSC Examination on various types of ships
  6. USCG PSC Detention and follow up
MSTS-846 MARPOL-Annexes

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

This course covers the Marpol Annexes and their regulations for controlling marine pollution, including oil, hazardous substances, sewage, garbage, and air pollution. You will also learn about energy efficiency and the management of ship-generated waste.

Course Topics:
  1. Sources and Effects of Marine Pollution
  2. MARPOL Annex I-Oil
  3. MARPOL Annex II - NLS
  4. MARPOL Annex III - IMDG Code
  5. MARPOL Annex IV - Sewage
  6. MARPOL Annex V - Garbage
  7. MARPOL Annex VI-- Air Pollution in merchant ships
  8. Energy Efficiency and Management
  9. Ship Generated Wastes
MSTS-847 Automation and Control Engineering

eLearning Time: 6 Hrs

This course is designed for management and operational level engineers and it provides an understanding of control systems used on ships. It covers the types and principles of operation, including speed governors and electronic governors for engine speed control. The course analyzes failure cases, explores essential tests and fault diagnosis, and emphasizes maintenance procedures. You will also learn about emergency fail-safe mechanisms for handling control system failures onboard.

Course Topics:
  1. Purpose of shipboard automation
  2. Control Systems
  3. Casualty Control of Automation and Control Systems
MSTS-850 Audits and SIRE for Oil Tankers

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

By completing this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of ship vetting inspections and their importance in safe carriage of dangerous cargoes. They will also learn about the roles of industry leaders, progression of vetting regimes, risk-based questionnaire development, technology and human element approaches, checklist preparation, and SIRE inspections for oil tankers. They will be able to discuss the effectiveness of ship inspections and their positive and negative impacts on vessel operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Ship Vetting
  2. The SIRE 2.0 inspection process
  3. Planning for SIRE 2.0 Inspection
  4. SIRE inspections onboard
  5. Opportunities and challenges of SIRE 2.0
  6. SIRE Inspection-Oil Tankers
MSTS-851 Internal Audits Onboard Your Ships

eLearning Time: 2 Hrs

This course is designed for ship managers and senior ship management to enhance their skills in planning and preparing for internal audits, which have become crucial due to regulatory and industry inspections. It covers technical aspects of quality management standards and emphasizes the development of interpersonal skills necessary for successful audits. By providing both technical knowledge and human response skills, this course attempts to prepare you for a successful internal audit.

Course Topics:
  1. Why the Internal Audits?
  2. Who conducts the internal audit?
  3. QA in Shipping-safety management systems
  4. Responsibility of Quality Assurance
  5. Integrated Management System
  6. Shipboard Preparations and the Audit Process
  7. Remote Internal Audit
  8. Classification Remote Surveys
  9. Questions asked during SMS Audit
  10. Major areas of deficiencies reported by regulators
  11. Focus areas of regulatory compliance for the Internal Audit
  12. Internal audit routing and checklists
  13. Shipboard Auditing: the psychology of behaviors
  14. Communication as a challenge in an audit process
  15. Effective Interviews
  16. Types of Audit - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Party
  17. Auditing Steps: Planning - Preparation - Performance - Reporting an Significance of Reporting
  18. Cost of Quality
  19. Audit Reports including accidents, incidents and hazardous occurrence Corrective and Preventive Actions
  20. How to Analyze and Rectifying Non-conformity
  21. Importance of Addressing Non-conformity
  22. Requirements to become a Lead Auditor for SHEQ Management System
MSTS-852 Maritime Accidents and Incidents Investigation

eLearning Time: 7 Hrs

After completing the course, students will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to understand the world scenario of marine casualties, conduct investigations, collect evidence, conduct interviews, analyze data, write and report findings, and involve ship and shore-based staff. They will also understand the training needs and opportunities for a career as a marine investigator.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction and Background to Accident Investigation
  2. Preparation for the Investigation and managing a marine accident
  3. Marine accident on site assessment and risk management.
  4. Evidence collection and preservation strategies
  5. Interviewing
  6. Human Factors in marine operations and engineering investigation
  7. Analysis of data
  8. Marine Accident Report Writing
  9. Investigating different types of accidents
  10. Role of Ship Staff and Management Ashore
  11. Global network of support, reporting and knowledge sharing
  12. Training and Data Management
  13. Marine Accidents - learning from case studies
MSTS-853 Cyber Security Primer

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

After completing this course, the student will have a comprehensive understanding of cyber security concepts, including how they affect the shipping industry, and be able to develop defense strategies, respond and recover from cyber incidents, and assess the consequences and impact of cyber-attacks. They will also be familiar with legal aspects of cyber security, onboard cyber security measures, and risk management.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Cyber Security Maritime Cyber Security
  2. Cyber Security Legal Aspects
  3. Protection, Detection and Mitigation
  4. Defense Strategies
  5. Case studies
MSTS-855 Audits and SIRE for Chemical Tankers

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

By completing this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of ship vetting inspections and their importance in safe carriage of dangerous cargoes. They will also learn about the roles of industry leaders, progression of vetting regimes, risk-based questionnaire development, technology and human element approaches, checklist preparation, and SIRE inspections for chemical tankers. They will be able to discuss the effectiveness of ship inspections and their positive and negative impacts on vessel operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Ship Vetting
  2. The SIRE 2.0 inspection process
  3. Planning for SIRE 2.0 Inspection
  4. SIRE inspections onboard
  5. Opportunities and challenges of SIRE 2.0
  6. SIRE inspection- Chemical Tankers
MSTS-856 Audits and SIRE for Gas carriers

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

By completing this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of ship vetting inspections and their importance in safe carriage of dangerous cargoes. You will also learn about the roles of industry leaders, progression of vetting regimes, risk-based questionnaire development, technology and human element approaches, checklist preparation, and SIRE inspections for Gas Carriers. You will also be able to understand the effectiveness of ship inspections and their positive and negative impacts on vessel operations.

Course Topics:
  1. Introduction to Ship Vetting
  2. The SIRE 2.0 inspection process
  3. Planning for SIRE 2.0 Inspection
  4. SIRE inspections onboard
  5. Opportunities and challenges of SIRE 2.0
  6. SIRE Inspection-Liquefied Gas Carrier
MSTS-857 Ballast Water Treatment and Challenges

eLearning Time: 4 Hrs

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of ballast water management on ships, including selection processes, monitoring and testing procedures, sediment handling methods, safety issues, training requirements, risk management, operation and maintenance of ballast water treatment systems, remaining challenges, and alternative design and technologies.

Course Topics:
  1. Selection of BW treatment systems on board
  2. BWT Compliance Monitoring and Testing
  3. Ballast Water Sediment Handling and Control
  4. Safety with BWM systems and procedures
  5. BWTS Training Program
  6. Shipboard operation and maintenance of BWMS
  7. The BWM- current issues and challenges
  8. Neo Alternatives for ballasting
  9. Referencing US-BWM regulations- Important Extracts
MSTS-858 Layers of Logistics and Value-added Services

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

Key actors in the maritime logistics network, including shipping companies, port/terminal operators, and freight forwarders, face significant challenges with competitive and difficult market conditions and the inability of shipping and port policies to address sector-specific challenges. The course discusses these operations to make the ship managers ashore and shipboard senior management aware of some of these issues to understand where to focus their attention toward overcoming hurdles in cargo movement, keeping that at optimum efficiency and expectations of the stakeholders.

Course Topics:
  1. Ship Types
  2. Ship's Operation
  3. Ports and Terminals
  4. Layers of logistics
MSTS-859 Logistics of Breakbulk, Container and Petroleum Cargoes

eLearning Time: 5 Hrs

The course highlights the different cargo handling and logistical systems that may be unique for the particular cargoes being transported. This will be useful for shore managers as well as the shipboard officers before they get engaged in the type of transportation supervision such as a breakbulk project cargo, or those being shipped in containers or carried on ship's tanks. Each trade has its specific supply chain and shipboard requirements for safe passage.

Course Topics:
  1. Logistics and Breakbulk Cargo
  2. Container Shipping and Systems
  3. Petroleum Logistics
  4. Integrated Case study
MSTS-860 Cargo Documentation, Security and Information Management

eLearning Time: 3 Hrs

The course addresses the key areas of documentation and cargo security and the application of modern technology to provide cargo logistics and documentation using ICT and web-based technology that enhances the safety and security of transport. Today's maritime logistics operation is perhaps 80% electronic operation and 20% physical human labour, especially in important port and logistics hubs. Thus, the course becomes an important value-add for the ship managers ashore and senior officers on board, who can integrate their shipboard actions for cargo handling appropriately.

Course Topics:
  1. Documentation
  2. Maritime Security
  3. Information Management

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Take a deeper dive into Mariner Skills’ onboard and corporate training portfolio below that is organized by functional areas.

Deck Courses

Course # Course Name
MSVE-1001 An Introduction to Navigating with Bridge Equipment
Course Description:

This course provides foundational training in the operation of critical bridge equipment necessary for safe navigation. Participants will be introduced to the use of electronic navigation aids, including radar, the Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), and the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). The course also covers traditional tools like the magnetic and gyro compasses and provides an overview of the basic principles of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Additionally, steering control systems and automatic pilot functionalities are covered to ensure that trainees are adept at managing navigational systems onboard.

MSVE-1002 Enhancing Navigational Safety
Course Description:

Focusing on enhancing navigational safety, this course addresses both the theoretical and practical aspects of safe ship operation. Topics include navigational aids, best practices, and handling steering systems failures. Participants will explore critical shiphandling maneuvers with tugs, COLREGS compliance (specifically Rule 5 on lookout), and scenarios such as bad weather navigation and watchkeeping at night. Procedures for dealing with emergencies, such as man overboard, squat effect, shallow waters, and communication with pilots, are also included. This course emphasizes hands-on knowledge essential for maintaining navigational safety in various challenging situations.

MSVE-1003 Basics of Ship Handling
Course Description:

This course introduces ship maneuvering techniques, emphasizing the controllable factors that affect a vessel’s behavior. Topics include the characteristics of propulsion engines, rudders, thrusters, anchors, and tugs. The course also examines the effects of draft, trim, wind, and current on ship handling, ensuring trainees can effectively manage the vessel in a wide range of operational contexts. Special attention is given to the turning circle, shallow water effects, sternway, and interaction effects between ships, which are essential for preventing accidents and ensuring safe vessel movement.

MSVE-1004 Ship Handling Strategies in Adverse Conditions
Course Description:

Maritime operations frequently face adverse weather conditions, and this course focuses on the strategies necessary to navigate through them safely. Participants will learn techniques for managing controlled turns, parametric rolling, and resonant rolling. The course covers heavy weather ship handling, storm navigation, and the formation of safety sectors during storms. Additionally, special sections address safe navigation in icy waters, berthing and unberthing maneuvers in high winds or strong currents, and the precautions needed when handling ships near icebergs.

MSVE-1005 Understanding Collision Prevention Regulations
Course Description:

This course delves into the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), providing a detailed breakdown of the “Rules of the Road.” The course covers the application and responsibility of vessels under different conditions, risk assessment, and the appropriate actions to avoid collisions. Special focus is given to navigating narrow channels, head-on situations, and overtaking procedures, ensuring that participants are well-versed in safely managing vessel interactions. It also addresses regulations regarding vessels constrained by their draft, pilot vessels, anchored vessels, and sound signals, ensuring compliance with international maritime standards.

MSVE-1006 Ship Handling Techniques and Safety
Course Description:

This course is designed to teach advanced ship handling techniques that are crucial in both routine and emergency scenarios. Topics include anchoring, berthing, and unberthing maneuvers in different weather conditions, such as calms, tides, currents, and strong winds. Safety protocols for handling tugs, storm navigation, and weather routing are also discussed, ensuring that ship handlers are prepared to manage complex and potentially hazardous situations while maintaining the highest levels of safety.

Course # Course Name
MSVE-1051 Basic Principles of Marine Propulsion Engines
Course Description:

This course introduces participants to the fundamental concepts of marine propulsion engines, including steam and gas turbine propulsion systems, and the key terminologies of two-stroke and four-stroke diesel engines. It covers traditional steam propulsion systems alongside modern technologies such as nuclear steam propulsion, the Combined Gas and Steam (COGES) system, and electric propulsion. Learners will also explore the use of renewable energy sources like biofuels, ammonia, and wind-solar hybrid systems, providing an in-depth view of how alternative energy is transforming maritime propulsion.

MSVE-1052 Design Features and Operating Mechanisms of Marine Diesel Engines (MDE)
Course Description:

This course delves into the specific design features and operating mechanisms of marine diesel engines. Participants will study engine structures, components like cylinder liners, crankshafts, and bearings, as well as fuel pumps, scavenging, and supercharging systems. Special attention is given to the differences between two-stroke and four-stroke engines, camshaft-less engines (e.g., Sulzer RT-Flex type), and Mitsubishi UEC ECO engines. Practical aspects, including watchkeeping in the engine room, UMS (Unmanned Machinery Spaces) operations, and engine inspections, are also thoroughly covered.

MSVE-1054 Propellers and Propulsion
Course Description:

A specialized course that focuses on propeller and propulsion systems, this module covers different types of propellers, including control pitch propellers and steerable propulsion systems. Participants will explore the intricacies of transmission systems, stern tube arrangements, and propeller cavitation. The course also includes a detailed discussion on the fitting, removal, inspection, and repair of propellers and tailshafts, as well as the innovative Voith-Schneider system used in tugs for superior maneuverability.

MSVE-1055 Steering Gear and Rudders
Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth understanding of steering mechanisms and rudder systems. Topics include the theory of steering, types of steering gear (e.g., electro-hydraulic systems), and operational procedures for both ram and rotary vane systems. The course also covers safety devices, emergency steering operations, autopilot setup, and rudder designs, ensuring participants can confidently handle steering systems during both routine and emergency scenarios.

MSVE-1056 Marine Steam Boilers
Course Description:

A detailed examination of marine steam boiler systems, this course covers different types of boilers, including water tube and fire tube systems, composite boilers, and auxiliary boilers. Key components such as safety valves, water gauges, and soot blowers are studied alongside boiler mountings and operational procedures. The course also covers boiler water treatment and safety devices, ensuring participants are familiar with the proper operation and maintenance of steam boilers onboard ships.

MSVE-1057 Shipboard Pumps and Pumping Systems
Course Description:

This course introduces various types of shipboard pumps, including hydraulic, reciprocating, gear, and vane pumps. Participants will learn about the principles of rotary pumps, centrifugal pumps, and the selection criteria for different types of piston pumps. The course also addresses common operating problems and troubleshooting techniques, equipping engineers with the skills necessary for maintaining and operating shipboard pumping systems effectively.

MSVE-1058 Fresh Water Generators and Potable Water Systems
Course Description:

Focused on the production and treatment of fresh water onboard ships, this course covers the operation of freshwater generators, including vacuum evaporators and reverse osmosis systems. Participants will learn about potable water sanitation, testing, and treatment procedures to ensure safe drinking water for crew and passengers. The course also covers modern desalination techniques and safety procedures for handling freshwater systems.

MSVE-1059 Shipboard Hydraulic Systems and Applications
Course Description:

This course offers a comprehensive overview of shipboard hydraulic systems, covering remote-controlled valve operations, deck machinery, and engine room applications. Participants will also explore the maintenance and troubleshooting of hydraulic systems, with a focus on safety, contamination prevention, and the care of hydraulic oils. Practical knowledge about hydraulic systems for hatch covers, cranes, ballast, and cargo systems will be imparted, ensuring proficiency in managing these critical shipboard systems.

MSVE-1060 Automation and Control Engineering
Course Description:

In this course, participants will gain a solid foundation in automation and control engineering principles, focusing on closed-loop systems, pneumatic and hydraulic controls, and electronic control systems. Advanced topics such as PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), DCS (Distributed Control Systems), and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are covered, ensuring that participants can apply automation technologies to optimize shipboard operations.

MSVE-1061 Classification and Characteristics of Measuring Instruments and Flow Measurement
Course Description:

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to measuring instruments and flow measurement, focusing on sensor classifications, types of transducers, and their applications onboard ships. Learners will explore advanced flow measurement techniques using devices like Venturi flow meters, Pitot tubes, and electromagnetic and ultrasonic flow meters. The course also emphasizes the importance of pressure-temperature correction in flow measurements, ensuring accurate and reliable data in shipboard operations.

MSVE-1062 Measuring Instruments for Atmosphere Management
Course Description:

In this course, participants will gain detailed knowledge about atmospheric monitoring instruments used for hazard control. Topics include toxic gas detectors, CO2 analyzers, infrared gas detectors, and flame ionization detectors. The course also covers calibration and maintenance procedures for atmosphere testing equipment, ensuring safe and effective atmosphere management onboard ships.

MSVE-1063 Measuring Instruments – Other Measurements
Course Description:

This course covers a variety of measurement systems beyond flow and atmosphere. Participants will study torque measurement using proximity sensors, viscosity measurement, and water purity monitoring. Additionally, the course provides insights into fire detection systems, including heat and smoke detectors, and specialized shipboard instruments like crankcase oil mist detectors and dissolved oxygen sensors.

MSVE-1064 Air Compressors and Compressed Air Systems
Course Description:

Participants will learn the principles behind air compressors and compressed air systems, including the components and operations of multi-stage compressors. The course covers safety devices, lubrication systems, and maintenance of compressed air systems, ensuring engineers have the technical knowledge to operate and maintain these essential systems.

MSVE-1065 Heat Exchangers
Course Description:

This course provides a deep understanding of heat exchangers, focusing on plate and tubular designs commonly used onboard ships. Topics include the design, operation, and application of shell-and-tube and plate-type heat exchangers, as well as their selection criteria for specific shipboard applications.

MSVE-1067 Shipboard Ventilation Systems
Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth overview of shipboard ventilation systems, covering both natural and mechanical ventilation methods for cargo spaces, accommodation areas, and machinery rooms. Topics include energy efficiency opportunities, fire dampers, and ventilation system maintenance, ensuring optimal air quality and safety onboard.

MSVE-1069 Oil Pollution Prevention Equipment
Course Description:

This course focuses on the systems and equipment used to prevent oil pollution in marine environments. Participants will study oil discharge monitoring and control systems (ODMC), equipment maintenance, and operational procedures for ensuring compliance with international pollution prevention standards.

MSVE-1070 Sewage Treatment Onboard
Course Description:

This course covers sewage treatment technologies onboard ships, including vacuum toilet systems and various marine sewage treatment systems. Participants will learn about the sampling, testing, and operational procedures needed to ensure safe and environmentally friendly waste management onboard.

MSVE-1072 Air Pollution Prevention
Course Description:

This course provides maritime professionals with essential knowledge to reduce ship emissions and adhere to environmental regulations. The course covers air pollution fundamentals, various exhaust gas scrubber systems (dry, wet, hybrid), and their environmental and economic impacts. Participants learn about controlling NOx, SOx, and particulate matter emissions through advanced techniques like exhaust gas recirculation. This training equips seafarers to implement effective pollution prevention measures, ensuring sustainable and compliant ship operations.

MSVE-1073 Oil Purifiers Onboard
Course Description:

This course provides a thorough understanding of oil purification systems onboard ships, focusing on the operation, design, and arrangement of centrifugal oil purifiers. Participants will explore the principles of purification and clarification, the constructional features of purifiers, and their efficient operation to ensure optimal engine performance and equipment longevity. The course is ideal for marine engineers and personnel responsible for the maintenance of oil systems.

Course # Course Name
Cargohandling - Chemical
MSVE-1101 Chemical Cargo Classification, Handling, and Documentation
Course Description:

This course provides a detailed overview of chemical cargo classification and documentation requirements. Participants will explore the characteristics of various chemical cargoes, including high-density, polymerizing, and high-viscosity substances. Essential cargo documentation, including bills of lading, seaworthiness records, and the Notice of Readiness (NOR), are covered to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met during transport.

MSVE-1102 Guide to Safe Handling of Specialized Chemical Cargoes
Course Description:

In this course, participants will learn the best practices for safely handling specialized chemical cargoes, such as high vapor pressure, toxic, and corrosive substances. Topics include the management of static electricity-accumulating cargoes, high-viscosity cargoes, and the use of antidotes for potential exposure incidents. The course ensures that participants are well-prepared for the specific hazards associated with handling dangerous chemical substances onboard.

MSVE-1103 Flammability and Electrostatic Control for Chemical Cargoes
Course Description:

This course focuses on the hazards associated with flammability and electrostatic discharge when transporting chemical cargoes. Participants will study fire hazards, explosion risks, and methods of electrostatic control, including the use of lightning conductors and prevention strategies for methane flammability.

MSVE-1104 Essentials of Chemical Tanker Operations
Course Description:

Participants will learn the operational requirements for chemical tanker voyages, including voyage planning, cargo stowage, and stability considerations. This course covers the loading and discharging processes for liquid chemical cargoes, the use of inert gas systems, and the management of cargo piping systems onboard chemical tankers.

MSVE-1105 Liquid Cargo Handling and Sampling Techniques
Course Description:

This course provides practical knowledge about the handling and sampling of liquid cargoes. Participants will learn about cargo sampling procedures for pump stacks and manifolds, open sampling techniques, and consignee sample handling. The course ensures proficiency in cargo monitoring and handling during chemical tanker operations.

MSVE-1106 Fundamentals of Cargo Discharging for Chemical Tankers

This course focuses on the discharging process for chemical tankers, including the initiation and monitoring of discharge operations. Tank cleaning procedures, maintaining cargo temperature, and post-discharge tank inspection are also covered to ensure safe and efficient cargo discharge.

MSVE-1107 Guide to Cargo Handling Procedures on Chemical Tankers

Participants will learn the step-by-step procedures for safely handling and discharging heated cargoes on chemical tankers. Topics include the use of steam and thermal oil heating, line blowing procedures, and accurate cargo measurements and calculations. Record-keeping practices for cargo operations are emphasized throughout the course.

MSVE-1108 A Comprehensive Guide to Chemical Tanker Operations
Course Description:

This course offers a comprehensive overview of chemical tanker operations, including cargo tank arrangements, MARPOL Annex II regulations, and the hazards associated with chemical cargoes. The course covers piping and pumping systems, cargo tank temperature control, and safety guidelines to ensure participants have a thorough understanding of the complexities of chemical tanker operations.

MSVE-1109 Cargo Tank Management on Chemical Tankers

Participants will gain specialized knowledge in managing cargo tanks on chemical tankers. Topics include tank coatings, stainless steel tank management, and pickling and passivation procedures to ensure that tanks are ready for the safe transport of chemical cargoes.

MSVE-1110 Guide to Gas Detection and Atmospheric Analysis Onboard
Course Description:

This course covers the various gas detection systems used onboard chemical tankers, including toxic gas detectors, oxygen analyzers, and infrared gas detectors. Participants will learn about the maintenance and calibration of atmospheric testing equipment, ensuring the safety of ship personnel and the vessel.

MSVE-1111 Inert Gas and Nitrogen Application Systems in Chemical Tankers
Course Description:

Focusing on inert gas and nitrogen application systems, this course covers the types of PV valves, nitrogen handling, and the hazards associated with using inert gases onboard chemical tankers. Participants will also study the operation and maintenance of equipment like portable submersible pumps and UTI gauges.

MSVE-1112 Chemical Tanker Tank Cleaning - Principles, Procedures, and Precautions
Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth look at the tank cleaning process for chemical tankers. Topics include the preparation of tanks for new cargoes, flushing of vent lines, and the management of tank atmospheres. Participants will learn about prohibited mixing guidelines and safety precautions during tank cleaning operations.

MSVE-1113 Tank Cleaning and Gas-Freeing Techniques for Chemical Tankers
Course Description:

This course offers a detailed overview of the cleaning and gas-freeing techniques required on chemical tankers. Participants will explore gas-freeing operations, the use of the ventilation method, and the standards for tank cleanliness. Special attention is given to solidifying substances, wash water analysis, and the wall wash test.

MSVE-1114 Essentials of Ballasting and Deballasting Operations on Tankers
Course Description:

This course covers the essential procedures for ballasting and deballasting operations on chemical tankers. Participants will learn about the responsibilities of crew members, operating procedures for submerged ballast pumps, and ballast water management protocols in compliance with international standards.

MSVE-1115 Guide to Chemical Carrier Emergency Preparedness
Course Description:

Focusing on emergency preparedness for chemical carriers, this course offers guidelines for addressing anticipated emergencies during cargo loading and discharging. Topics include the management of cargo spills and emergency protocols to ensure crew safety and environmental protection.

Cargohandling - Oil
MSVE-1116 Mastering Liquid Cargo Handling and Documentation
Course Description:

This course focuses on the documentation and record-keeping necessary for transporting liquid cargoes on oil tankers. Key topics include port log entries, seaworthiness documentation, and the preparation of bills of lading. The course emphasizes the functions and types of cargo documentation, including the Notice of Readiness (NOR), ensuring that all legal and procedural requirements are met during cargo handling.

MSVE-1117 Flammability and Electrostatic Control for Oil Cargoes
Course Description:

Participants will explore the fire hazards associated with oil cargoes and the importance of controlling electrostatic discharge during cargo handling. The course covers the prevention of static electricity accumulation, the use of lightning conductors, and other safety measures to mitigate the risks of flammability during oil tanker operations.

MSVE-1118 Core Principles of Oil Tanker Operations
Course Description:

This course offers an overview of the key principles behind oil tanker operations, including voyage planning, stowage plans, and stability considerations. Participants will learn about the preparatory steps for cargo loading, monitoring the loading process, and ensuring that stability and stress limits are adhered to during the entire operation.

MSVE-1119 Techniques for Oil Cargo Handling and Sampling
Course Description:

Focusing on cargo handling and sampling, this course covers the preparations needed for loading operations, proper sampling techniques, and the specific procedures for sampling from pump stacks and manifolds. The course also addresses open sampling methods to ensure accuracy and compliance with cargo requirements.

MSVE-1120 Cargo Discharge Fundamentals for Oil Tankers
Course Description:

This course guides participants through the fundamental procedures for discharging oil cargoes. Key topics include the initiation and monitoring of discharge progress, tank cleaning procedures, and post-discharge inspections. Cofferdam purging and maintaining the integrity of cargo tanks are also emphasized to ensure the safe transfer of oil cargoes.

MSVE-1121 Comprehensive Guide to Oil Tanker Cargo Handling Procedures
Course Description:

This comprehensive course covers the step-by-step procedures for handling heated oil cargoes on tankers. Participants will learn about steam and thermal oil heating, deck-mounted heat exchangers, and the process for discharging heated cargoes. The course also addresses line blowing procedures, oil record book entries, and accurate cargo measurements to ensure smooth operations.

Cargohandling - Gas
MSVE-1126 Gas Tanker Safety, Security, and Emergency Management
Course Description:

This course introduces participants to the transportation of liquefied gases, including LNG and shale gas. It covers the regulatory frameworks for safety and security on gas carriers, emphasizing certification processes and emergency preparedness. Key topics include collision, grounding, equipment failure, and the emergency shutdown of cargo-handling operations. The course also addresses security threats such as terrorism and the measures to mitigate them, including ISPS code compliance and best practices in LNG safety and security.

MSVE-1127 Gas Tanker Hazards and Risk Management
Course Description:

Participants will learn about the different types of gas tankers, including fully pressurized, semi-pressurized, and LNG carriers, along with the associated hazards such as flammability, toxicity, and electrostatic discharge. The course also covers risk management strategies to prevent accidents and incidents, providing an overview of IMO regulatory requirements, risk assessment techniques, and the use of Bow Tie Analysis for decision-making.

MSVE-1128 LNG Bunkering
Course Description:

This course offers an in-depth examination of LNG bunkering, covering various bunkering options, such as truck-to-ship, ship-to-ship, and shore-to-ship transfers. Topics include the components of LNG bunkering systems, safety regulations, and the emergency shutdown system (ESDS). The course also addresses operational aspects of LNG supply chains and the custody transfer process to ensure safe and efficient bunkering operations.

MSVE-1129 Cargo Tanks and Cargo Handling Systems on Gas Carriers
Course Description:

Focusing on the construction and operation of cargo tanks on gas carriers, this course covers independent and membrane tank systems, their materials, and insulation techniques. Participants will also learn about the cargohandling systems used on gas tankers, including piping systems, valves, pumps, and compressors. The course includes the operation and maintenance of these systems to ensure safe and efficient cargo transfer and containment.

MSVE-1136 Firefighting on Gas Tankers
Course Description:

This course focuses on the specialized knowledge and techniques required to combat fires onboard gas tankers. Designed for maritime professionals responsible for safety and emergency response, it covers the unique fire hazards associated with liquefied gases, fire detection systems, and the various firefighting methods and equipment available on gas carriers, such as LNG ships.

Cargohandling - Bulk Carrier And Container
MSVE-1139 Cargo Operation – Bulk Grain
Course Description:

This course focuses on the handling and transportation of bulk grain cargoes. Participants will learn about the relevant SOLAS regulations and the IMO Grain Code, including the use of a Grain Loading Stability Booklet and Document of Authorization. Topics include grain heeling moments, securing methods (such as shifting boards), and procedures for preventing insect or rodent infestation during transit.

MSVE-1140 Containers
Course Description:

This course provides an overview of containerized cargo operations, covering the different types of containers (including refrigerated containers), and the procedures to follow prior to loading reefer containers. Participants will learn about container stowage, bay planning, container handling equipment, and lashing/securing procedures. The course also covers the container code and the importance of container marking and check digits.

MSVE-1141 Cargo Operation – General Cargo
Course Description:

In this course, participants will explore the operational procedures for handling general cargo, including securing deck cargoes, inspection of cargo holds, and the use of dunnage for safe stowage. The course covers loading and stowing operations on general cargo ships, with particular attention to ensuring compliance with navigation bridge visibility requirements and cleaning holds prior to loading.

MSVE-1142 Cargo Handling Gear and Equipment
Course Description:

This course covers the safe operation and inspection of cargo handling gear and equipment. Participants will learn about the safe working load of lifting gear, visual inspections, and statutory requirements for lifting appliances. The course addresses the precautions necessary during heavy lift operations and the effect of these lifts on the seaworthiness of the vessel. Cargo cranes, hydraulic control systems, and self-unloading systems are also discussed.

MSVE-1143 Cargo Operation – Solid Bulk Cargo Other Than Grain
Course Description:

Focusing on solid bulk cargo operations, this course covers the safety measures required by SOLAS Chapter XII and the IMSBC Code. Participants will learn about the hazards associated with the shipment of bulk solids, including coal, iron, cement, and sulfur, as well as timber and steel coils. The course emphasizes proper loading and unloading procedures, hold cleaning, and documentation prior to loading.

MSVE-1144 Fumigation of Cargo Holds
Course Description:

This course covers the principles and practices of fumigating cargo holds, focusing on the safe application of fumigants onboard ships. Participants will learn about fumigation procedures, safety precautions, and the steps required to prepare cargo holds for fumigation. The course also emphasizes the importance of ensuring the safety of crew and cargo during the fumigation process.

MSVE-1147 Hatch Cover Inspection and Maintenance
Course Description:

This course provides a comprehensive overview of hatch cover types, their functions, and the importance of weather tightness for cargo safety. Participants will learn how to inspect, maintain, and troubleshoot hatch covers, focusing on hydraulic systems, oil contamination prevention, and regular maintenance procedures. The course covers operational safety, surveying techniques, and best practices in hatch cover maintenance to ensure vessel integrity and cargo protection.

MSVE-1148 Solid Bulk Cargoes
Course Description:

Focusing on the handling and transport of solid bulk cargoes, this course covers the IMSBC Code, the angle of repose, and flow moisture points. Participants will explore the hazards associated with bulk cargoes, particularly coal, and the structural and safety measures required to mitigate these risks. The course also introduces the Common Structural Rules (CSR) for bulk carriers, ensuring compliance with international standards.

MSVE-1149 Container Ships and Liner Operations
Course Description:

This course examines container ship operations, including the types and sizes of container ships, the impacts of mega container ships, and the regulation of liner shipping. Topics include the logistics of container transport, cargo insurance, and the intricacies of chartering container ships. Participants will gain an understanding of how these large vessels influence global maritime logistics and the specific challenges they present.

Deck/Engine Courses

Course # Course Name
MSVE-1201 Onboard Risk Zones and Potential Hazards
Course Description:

This course covers the identification and control of hazards onboard ships, including working at heights, mooring line operations, and electrical equipment safety. Participants will also learn about ship-specific hazards, the risks of exposure to dangerous substances, and the procedures for working in enclosed spaces or machinery areas. Safety in accommodation areas and precautions for hot work and shipyard painting are emphasized to ensure all onboard activities are conducted safely.

MSVE-1202 Seafarer Personal Safety, Survival, Safe Practices, and Well-Being
Course Description:

This course focuses on the personal safety and well-being of seafarers, addressing the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), survival equipment, and procedures for emergency situations. Participants will explore the factors that affect human performance, such as fatigue and situational awareness, and learn how to conduct job safety analyses (JSA). Case studies on hours of rest and human error in maritime operations highlight the importance of personal well-being and its direct impact on safety.

MSVE-1203 Cultivating a Safety Culture
Course Description:

Participants in this course will learn how to build and maintain a safety culture onboard ships. Topics include understanding human error, the role of the ISM Code in maritime safety, and the implementation of safety management systems (SMS). The course provides strategies for accident prevention and managing human factors in maritime incidents, ensuring a proactive approach to fostering a safety-first mindset in maritime operations.

MSVE-1204 Safe Working Practices
Course Description:

This course outlines essential safe working practices for maritime professionals, including the safe use of hand tools, working at heights, and precautions for enclosed spaces. Participants will learn about permit-to-work systems for high-risk tasks such as hot work and electrical plant isolation. The course also covers workshop safety, the use of abrasive wheels, compressed air, and gas cylinders, providing a holistic guide to occupational safety onboard ships.

MSVE-1205 Fire Varieties and Firefighting Tools
Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the different types of fires that can occur onboard ships, along with the appropriate firefighting tools and techniques for extinguishing them. Topics include the fire triangle, fire classifications, portable fire extinguishers, fire main systems, and breathing apparatuses. Participants will also learn about the proper maintenance of firefighting appliances to ensure they are always in working condition.

MSVE-1206 Launching of Survival Crafts
Course Description:

Participants will be trained in the procedures for launching survival crafts and rescue boats, including lifeboats, life rafts, and free-fall lifeboats. The course covers the operation of various survival craft systems, hook release mechanisms, and the correct procedures for launching in rough weather. Special attention is given to ensuring safe and efficient evacuation during emergencies.

MSVE-1207 Onboard Fire Prevention and Management Strategies
Course Description:

This course covers the strategies and techniques required for fire prevention and management onboard ships. Participants will learn about the chemistry of fire, fire hazards, detection systems, and the proper handling of flammable liquids. The course also addresses fire detection systems, including smoke, heat, and flame detectors, as well as preventive measures for hot work and other onboard fire hazards.

MSVE-1210 International Safety Management (ISM) Code Overview
Course Description:

This course provides an overview of the ISM Code and its role in ensuring maritime safety and environmental protection. Topics include the implementation of safety management systems, organizational responsibilities, shipboard audits, and accident prevention. The course emphasizes the importance of compliance with the ISM Code for maintaining safe and environmentally responsible operations onboard ships.

MSVE-1211 Shipboard Safety Management Systems (SMS)
Course Description:

This course offers a comprehensive understanding of Safety Management Systems (SMS) and their integration with the ISM Code. Participants will learn about the key components of SMS, organizational responsibilities, risk management, and the importance of addressing non-conformities. The course also focuses on effective risk management strategies and human factors that contribute to shipboard incidents.

MSVE-1212 Cybersecurity Onboard
Course Description:

This course addresses the growing cybersecurity risks within the maritime industry. Participants will learn about common forms of cyber threats, the specific vulnerabilities of maritime operations, and the segregation of IT and OT systems. The course covers defense strategies, stages of cyberattacks, and the legal aspects of cybersecurity, ensuring that maritime professionals are equipped to protect their vessels from cyber threats.

MSVE-1213 Basics of Vessel Stability
Course Description:

This course covers the fundamental concepts of vessel stability, including flotation principles, center of gravity, transverse metacenters, and the effects of ship instability. Participants will learn to calculate list, trim, and the impact of free surface effect on stability. The course provides practical examples and calculations to enhance the understanding of vessel stability and its importance in safe operations.

MSVE-1214 Maritime Risk Analysis and Mitigation
Course Description:

In this course, participants will explore risk management techniques in shipping, including hazard identification, risk assessment, and mitigation strategies. Topics include fault tree analysis, event tree analysis, and the bow-tie model for risk management. Case studies such as ballast tank explosions and piracy risk assessments will provide practical insights into managing maritime risks effectively.

MSVE-1216 Compliance Drills and Exercises – Abandon Ship, Survival, and Safety at Sea
Course Description:

This course focuses on abandon ship procedures, survival techniques, and emergency preparedness. Participants will learn how to use survival equipment, distress signals, and digital selective calling. The course includes practical guidance on abandon ship drills, survival at sea, and techniques for ensuring crew safety during emergencies.

MSVE-1217 Understanding Maritime Pollution Prevention
Course Description:

This course covers the MARPOL regulations and the various sources and effects of marine pollution. Participants will learn about measures to reduce pollution, the legal framework for pollution prevention, and practical steps for compliance with international pollution prevention standards.

MSVE-1219 Electrical Safety Aboard Ships
Course Description:

This course focuses on shipboard electrical safety, covering topics such as electrical survey requirements, power distribution, and high-voltage safety protocols. Participants will learn about lockout-tagout (LOTO) procedures, electrical safety maintenance, and first aid for electrical accidents. The course ensures that ship personnel understand the risks of electrical hazards and how to manage them effectively.

MSVE-1221 Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue
Course Description:

This course trains participants in the safe entry and rescue procedures for enclosed spaces. Topics include general precautions, atmospheric testing, the duties of responsible officers, and rescue operations using breathing apparatus and resuscitation equipment. The course emphasizes risk assessment and safety protocols to ensure that enclosed space entry is conducted safely and efficiently.

MSVE-1222 Understanding MARPOL Annex I
Course Description:

This course focuses on the control of oil pollution from ships, including operational discharge of oil, the use of oil discharge monitoring and control systems, and bilge oil separators. Participants will learn about oil record books, slop tanks, segregated ballast tanks, and the ballasting arrangements of double-hull tankers. The course also includes case studies, such as the collisions involving the Baltic Carrier and MV Wakashio, to illustrate real-world examples of oil spill management and cleanup methods.

MSVE-1223 Understanding MARPOL Annex II
Course Description:

This course covers the regulations concerning the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances (NLS) carried in bulk. Participants will explore chemical tanker arrangements, certificates and surveys, and the chemical tank and piping systems required for compliance. The course also includes guidance on the Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP) and the disposal of slops through reception facilities.

MSVE-1224 Understanding MARPOL Annex III
Course Description:

This course introduces the regulations for the prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried in packaged form. Participants will gain an understanding of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, best practices for handling dangerous goods, and port state control (PSC) procedures related to the transport of harmful substances.

MSVE-1225 Understanding MARPOL Annex IV
Course Description:

This course addresses the regulations concerning the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships. Topics include sources of sewage pollution, control measures, sewage treatment plants, and reception facilities. Special attention is given to the sewage control requirements in areas like the Baltic Sea and the use of systems like EVAC and Elsan-type sewage treatment systems.

MSVE-1226 Understanding MARPOL Annex V
Course Description:

This course covers the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships, focusing on garbage management plans, the proper use of garbage record books, and the operational requirements of marine incinerators. Participants will learn about the design, operation, and testing of incinerators, as well as the compliance requirements for port reception facilities.

MSVE-1227 Understanding MARPOL Annex VI
Course Description:

Focusing on the prevention of air pollution from ships, this course addresses the control of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) emissions, the environmental and economic impacts of exhaust gas scrubber systems, and the types of scrubbers used onboard ships. Participants will also learn about the management of ozone-depleting substances and the various scrubber system configurations, including open-loop, closed-loop, and hybrid scrubbers.

Course # Course Name
MSVE-1301 Managing Fatigue and Stress in Maritime Operations
Course Description:

This course examines the causes and effects of fatigue and stress at sea, providing strategies for managing these challenges. Participants will learn about the different types of stress, how it affects human performance, and techniques to cope with and prevent fatigue. The course also covers the role of ship design in mitigating fatigue and provides practical solutions for managing endurance risk factors onboard.

MSVE-1302 Understanding Team Dynamics and Leadership Principles at Sea
Course Description:

This course focuses on building effective teams and leadership strategies in the maritime context. Participants will explore concepts such as team development, delegation, and communication, with case studies highlighting teamwork challenges. Leadership models, styles, and inspirational leadership techniques are discussed, emphasizing assertive communication for effective leadership and teamwork.

MSVE-1303 Practical Utilization of Leadership and Teamwork Abilities
Course Description:

This course takes a hands-on approach to developing leadership and teamwork skills. Topics include communication, task and workload management, prioritization, conflict resolution, and stress management. The course also covers cross-cultural leadership and strategies for leading teams during emergencies, helping seafarers apply their leadership abilities in real-world maritime operations.

MSVE-1304 Taking Care of Your Well-Being While Onboard
Course Description:

This course emphasizes the importance of personal well-being and stress management for seafarers. Participants will learn how to cope with workplace harassment and bullying, the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, and strategies for maintaining mental and physical health while at sea. The course also includes discussions on harassment at sea and how to nurture a positive, supportive environment onboard.

MSVE-1305 Managing Conflict in Maritime Environments
Course Description:

This course explores the theories of conflict, stress, and harassment in maritime settings. Participants will learn how to manage personal stress and its effects on others, resolve workplace conflicts, and eliminate shipboard harassment and bullying. The course includes psychological tools for conflict management and provides guidance to stakeholders on creating a respectful and harmonious work environment.

MSVE-1306 Addressing Bullying and Harassment Onboard Ships
Course Description:

This course addresses the prevalence and effects of bullying and harassment at sea, with a focus on women seafarers. It includes an analysis of the International Labour Organization (ILO) study on women seafarers, guidance on eliminating shipboard harassment, and recommendations for stakeholders to improve onboard culture. The Merchant Navy Code of Conduct and strategies for preventing workplace harassment are also covered.

MSVE-1307 Enhancing Onboard Communication for Efficient Operations
Course Description:

Effective communication is critical for maritime safety and operations. This course covers verbal, non-verbal, and paraverbal communication techniques, emphasizing the importance of clarity, conciseness, and cultural sensitivity. Participants will learn how to improve interpersonal communication, manage language barriers, and foster positive interactions during watchkeeping and ship operations.

Engineering Courses

Course # Course Name
MSVE-1401 Corrosion Mitigation and Protective Coatings
Course Description:

This course provides a comprehensive overview of corrosion, including its causes and various types. Participants will learn about corrosion prevention techniques, such as cathodic protection, the use of sacrificial anodes, and impressed current systems. The course also covers underwater hull corrosion, painting for corrosion prevention, and the role of shaft earthing systems.

MSVE-1402 Flow Measurement Technologies – Mechanical and Electronic
Course Description:

This course introduces the principles and technologies involved in flow measurement, from mechanical devices like rotameters and orifice flow meters to advanced electronic systems such as electromagnetic and ultrasonic flow meters. Participants will learn about the applications of these technologies in maritime operations and how to perform pressure and temperature corrections for accurate measurements.

MSVE-1403 Guide to Industrial Pumps – Selection, Operation, and Maintenance
Course Description:

This course focuses on the selection, operation, and maintenance of industrial pumps used onboard ships. Participants will explore various pump types, including hydraulic, reciprocating, rotary, and centrifugal pumps, and learn about their specific applications in maritime environments. The course also addresses troubleshooting and operating problems, ensuring participants are equipped to manage pumping systems effectively.

MSVE-1404 Hull Fouling and its Prevention
Course Description:

Hull fouling is a significant issue for ships, leading to increased drag and fuel consumption. This course covers the stages of hull fouling, the impact of invasive species, and the various antifouling coatings available. Participants will learn about surface preparation, marine growth prevention systems, and the importance of maintaining a smooth hull surface for optimal vessel performance.

MSVE-1405 Shipboard Valves and Piping Systems
Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth understanding of shipboard valve types, including gate, globe, ball, butterfly, and check valves. Participants will learn about the maintenance of these valves and their role in critical shipboard systems, such as bilge, ballast, fire mains, and fuel oil bunkering systems. The course also covers piping systems, including liquid cargo pipelines and steam distribution lines.

MSVE-1406 Plate and Tubular Heat Exchangers
Course Description:

This course covers the design, operation, and maintenance of plate and tubular heat exchangers, with applications in marine systems. Participants will learn about the selection criteria for heat exchangers, as well as the maintenance procedures to ensure efficient operation. The course also introduces the basics of shell and tube heat exchangers and thermal oil heating systems.

MSVE-1407 Pumps and Pumping Systems
Course Description:

Participants in this course will explore the classification, operation, and maintenance of pumps used in maritime operations. Topics include fluid mechanics, centrifugal pump characteristics, positive displacement pumps, and filtration systems. The course also covers ballasting and deballasting systems, cargo pump operations, and LNG pumping systems, providing a comprehensive understanding of shipboard pumping systems.

MSVE-1408 Compressed Air Systems
Course Description:

This course introduces the operation and maintenance of compressed air systems, including air receivers, multistage compressors, and safety devices. Participants will learn about the components and external parts of air compressors, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting techniques for ensuring the reliability of compressed air systems onboard ships.

MSVE-1410 Shipboard Air Circulation and Ventilation
Course Description:

This course covers the principles of natural and mechanical ventilation systems used onboard ships, focusing on cargo spaces, engine rooms, and accommodation areas. Participants will learn about fire dampers, fans, and blowers, as well as methods for preventing cargo sweat and maintaining efficient air circulation throughout the vessel.

MSVE-1411 Automation and Control Systems
Course Description:

This course introduces the purpose of shipboard automation and control systems. Topics include alarm circuits, fire alarm and detection systems, control system layouts, pneumatic, hydraulic, and electric control systems. Participants will gain knowledge of practical control theory, PID controllers, and advanced control techniques used to ensure efficient operations on ships.

MSVE-1412 Principles of Control Engineering
Course Description:

Participants will explore the principles of automation and control engineering, closed-loop control systems, and practical control applications. The course covers the classification of control systems, temperature, level, and pressure control, and provides a comprehensive understanding of PID controllers, their limitations, and tuning techniques.

MSVE-1413 Automation and Control of Shipboard Systems
Course Description:

This course focuses on the automatic control of shipboard systems, including main engine controls, cargo control systems, and boiler level controls. It includes discussions on UMS (unattended machinery space) operations, monitoring systems, and new developments in control technologies. The course also covers torque measurement, viscosity sensors, and the application of control systems in various shipboard environments.

MSVE-1414 Shipboard Hydraulic Control Systems
Course Description:

This course covers the principles and components of hydraulic control systems used on ships, including remote-controlled valve operations, deck machineries, and thruster systems. Participants will learn about hydraulic circuits, control valves, linear actuators, and fluid power systems, enabling them to manage and maintain hydraulic operations effectively.

MSVE-1415 Care of Shipboard Hydraulic Control Systems
Course Description:

This course focuses on the maintenance, troubleshooting, and care of hydraulic systems onboard. Topics include accumulator systems, hydraulic oil maintenance, prevention of fluid contamination, and the use of portable filtering equipment. The course also covers the cleaning and maintenance of hydraulic piping and components, ensuring the longevity of hydraulic systems.

MSVE-1416 Efficient Resource Management in the Engineroom
Course Description:

This course teaches efficient resource management principles in the engine room, with a focus on workload management, prioritization, and planning. Participants will learn to manage fatigue, stress, and team dynamics, while also improving safety awareness through case studies on ballast tank explosions and violation reporting.

MSVE-1417 Final Control Elements
Course Description:

This course covers the working principles of control valves, actuators, and other final control elements. Topics include valve flow characteristics, diaphragm-operated control valves, piston actuators, digital valve positioners, and control valve hysteresis. Participants will learn the practical applications of final control elements in maritime operations.

MSVE-1418 Understanding Energy Efficiency
Course Description:

This course addresses energy efficiency concepts in maritime operations, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, CO2 reduction, and the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Participants will explore operational profiles, ship-engine-propeller matching, and the use of alternative energy sources, such as waste heat recovery systems and regenerative systems for steam propulsion.

MSVE-1419 Hydraulic Systems
Course Description:

This course provides an overview of shipboard hydraulic systems, their applications, and maintenance. Topics include valve operations, oil lubrication systems, and the use of hydraulic systems for bow thrusters, windlass, and mooring winches. Participants will also learn about the care and maintenance of hydraulic oil, troubleshooting hydraulic systems, and ensuring work safety in hydraulic operations.

MSVE-1420 Watchkeeping for Engineers
Course Description:

This course is designed to provide engineers with the essential skills and knowledge needed for engine room watchkeeping, both in regular and UMS operations. Topics include watchkeeping procedures, monitoring engine performance, and handling responsibilities during port watchkeeping.

MSVE-1421 Applications of Hydraulic Control Systems on Ships
Course Description:

This course explores various hydraulic systems used on ships, including the mechanisms for opening and closing hatch covers and the operation of ship cranes, with a focus on double-acting telescopic cylinder cranes. The course covers electro-hydraulic valve control systems used for ballast and cargo management, as well as procedures for the operation of hydraulic steering gears, including two-ram, four-ram, and rotary vane systems. It also delves into the operation of camshaft-less engines, such as the Sulzer RT-Flex, common rail fuel injection systems, and hydraulically operated watertight doors found on Ro-Ro vessels. Additionally, it examines hydraulic stabilizers, deck winch brake testing, and hydraulic tensioners for safe operations.

MSVE-1422 Shipboard Temperature Measurement Devices
Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth understanding of various temperature measuring devices used onboard ships, including mechanical temperature measuring devices, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), thermistors, and thermocouples. The course also covers infrared temperature sensors, their applications, and the characteristics of different temperature sensors to enhance accuracy and reliability in shipboard operations.

MSVE-1423 Shipboard Pressure Measurement Devices
Course Description:

This course focuses on the various devices used to measure pressure in maritime environments. It covers Bourdon tube gauges, diaphragm and bellows gauges, and different types of pressure transducers, such as capacitance and piezoelectric transducers. The course also emphasizes the importance of calibrating pressure gauges to ensure accuracy and precision in critical shipboard systems.

MSVE-1424 Shipboard Level Measurement Devices
Course Description:

This course provides detailed knowledge of level measurement systems used on ships, such as conductivity probe methods, gauge glasses, and float-type level indicators. The course also examines the use of ultrasonic liquid level sensors and radar systems for precise monitoring of liquid levels in cargo tanks and other critical areas.

MSVE-1425 Shipboard Instrumentation and Measurement Devices
Course Description:

This course provides in-depth knowledge of the instrumentation and measurement devices essential for shipboard operations. Topics include sensor classifications, flow measurement, RPM, speed, torque, and viscosity sensors. It also covers fire detection systems, oil mist detectors, and water purity monitoring. Ideal for engineers, the course emphasizes accurate measurement for optimal performance and safety in marine environments.

MSVE-1426 Gas Analyzers
Course Description:

This course offers an overview of the gas analyzers used onboard ships to monitor and ensure atmospheric safety. It covers toxic gas detectors, multi-gas detectors, infrared gas detectors, and CO2 analyzers, as well as calibration procedures and the characteristics of different atmospheric monitoring instruments.

MSVE-1427 Introduction to Hydraulic Control Principles
Course Description:

This course introduces the key principles and applications of hydraulic systems on ships, covering hydraulic circuits, valves, and actuating mechanisms. Participants will learn about remote-controlled valve operations, hydraulic systems in deck machinery, engine rooms, and bow/stern thrusters. The course also covers control valves, pressure, and flow management, preparing marine engineers to efficiently manage hydraulic control systems onboard.

MSVE-1428 More on Hydraulic Control Principles
Course Description:

This advanced course delves deeper into hydraulic control principles, focusing on pressure control valves, actuators, and hydraulic circuit design. Topics include troubleshooting accumulators, pump unloading circuits, hydraulic motor braking systems, and heat exchangers. Participants will explore complex systems such as hydrostatic transmission, cylinder synchronization, and fail-safe circuits, equipping them with the knowledge to manage and optimize hydraulic systems in maritime applications.

MSVE-1429 Essentials of Hydraulic System Maintenance and Safety
Course Description:

This course covers the vital aspects of maintaining hydraulic systems onboard ships, focusing on hydraulic oil care, contamination prevention, and system safety. Topics include filtering equipment, troubleshooting seals and connections, and maintaining hydraulic hoses and fittings. Special emphasis is placed on safety protocols, including bolt tensioner safety warnings. The course equips participants with the skills to ensure reliable, safe hydraulic system operations.

MSVE-1430 Fleet Operations and Energy Management
Course Description:

This course explores the principles of fleet optimization and energy management in maritime operations. Topics include slow steaming, energy-efficient technologies for ship loading and capacity utilization, and weather routing. The course covers advanced navigation techniques, such as e-navigation and passage planning, as well as energy audits, IMO data collection systems for monitoring CO2 emissions, and performance reporting.

MSVE-1431 Shipboard Energy Management
Course Description:

This course focuses on the techniques and strategies for managing energy efficiently onboard ships. The course covers various energy efficiency measures, such as trim optimization, ballast management, hull cleaning, and propeller maintenance. It also explores fuel management, including fuel storage, transfer, and contamination testing, as well as the use of variable frequency drives (VFDs) to control motor speeds. Additionally, the course highlights the importance of waste heat recovery systems and other innovative methods to enhance energy efficiency on ships.

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